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[[3 columned table]]
When Received. |  Name & Rank of Writer. | Date & Purport of Communication

Oct 30"1867 O.L.S.D.C. No 1176 | Clark S.N. Bt. Maj. A.A.A. Gen'l E.B.2" Vol 112 1867  | Washington D.C. October 30" 1867

States that a lady in Georgetown desires to procure a colored girl 11 or 12 yrs old and to secure her services for a term of years by indenture, requests that efforts be made to find one, and report success by the 5th prox.

Oct 26" 1867 O.L.S.D.C | Townsend E.G. Supt E.B. 2" Vol 112. 1867. No 1177. | Washington D.C. October 26th 1867.
States that the work of removing night soil from that Camp, has been performed very irregular during the month of October. And that the most important Boxes in Camp, has been visited but once that month.

Oct 25"1867 O.L.S.D.C | Griffing J.E Agent. E.B. 2" Vol 113, 1867 No 1178. | Washington D.C. October 24th 1846.
Makes application for transportation for Susan Mills & 3 others dependent freedpeople from city to Hartford Conn. and Susan Rollins to Cincinnatti, Ohio.

[[3 columns]]

When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date and Purport of Communication

Oct 29" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. | Townsend E.G. Supt | Washington D.C. Oct 28" 1867,

EB 2" Vol 112. 1867 No 1179| Transmits report of Tenements occupying rooms at Kendal Green Barracks, for the month of October 1867.
Am't Rest collected $55.50
Am't Arrearages $995.50
No of families 76.

Oct 31" 1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Meade A.G. ref by S.N. Clark A.A.A. Gen'l D.C.|Washington D.C. Oct 30th 1867
States that the bearer Mary Recket is a reliable person, she says there is a colored woman who has a woman in her house, whose husband was sent forth by a Mrs. Griffith; the poor woman has two children and is entirely destitute; thinks that if her husband Henry Pestrick can be found he might be made to provide for her; that Mary is to poor to provide for her.
EB 2" Vol 113. O.L.S.D.C. No 1180.|

Nov 2"1867 O.L.S.D.C.|Griffing J.S. Agent|Washington D.C. Nov 2nd 1867
Requests admission to the Home at Freedmans Village, for Levi Brown a dependent freedman & partially blind.
| EB 2" Vol 115. 1867 No 1181.|