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When Received | Name + Rank of Writer | Date + Purport of Communication

Oct 30" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed No 1212 | Clark S.N. Bt Maj + A.A.A.Gen'l | Washington D.C. Oct 29" 1867

States that in request of W.S.O'Neal transportation Agent, for transportation for Lucas Carter + four children, it is stated in remarks that it was done by direction of Asst Com'd: Requests to know what direction were received from Asst Com'd in the cases.

Oct 28" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. re Filed No 1213 | O'Neal W.S. Transf. Agent D.C. EB 2Vol 124.O.L.S.D.C | Washington D.C. Oct 23" 1867

Requests that his pay be increased from Thirty to Seventy Five dollars per month.
States that on the 1" of the present month he assumed the duties of both [[unreadable]] + Clerk.
Forward for consideration [[unreadable]]

Oct 28" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed [[unreadable]] No 1214 | Clark S.N. Bt Maj + A.A.A.G. EB2"Vol 125.1867 | Washington D.C. October 18" 1867

States that the bearers are a committee appointed on behalf of a league that has been using as a hall for their meetings a room at Wisewell [[?]] Barracks; requests Major Vandenburgh to confer with them in regard to it, and report in writing, for the information of the Asst Com.

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When Received | Name + Rank of Writer | Date + Purport of Communication

Oct 22" 1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed No 1215 | Clark S.N. Bt Maj + A.A.A.Gen'l | Washington D.C. Oct 21st 1867

States that in the view of the [[unreadable]] service of Mrs. [[unreadable]] Bartlett, in this Bureau rent of rooms will be permitted to Nov 1" 1867.

Oct 14"1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed No 1216 | Clark S.N. Bt Maj + A.A.A.Gen'l | Washington D.C. Oct 11" 1867

The Asst Comm'd directs that the suggestions of J.V.W.Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. for the removal of non-paying tenants from Wisewell + East Capitol [[?]] Bk's to Kendall Green Bk's, be carried into effect as early as predictable [[unreadable] make necessary arrangement for filling as many vacant rooms as may be necessary and to guard against any distress being caused; that the rooms as Wisewell + East Capt [[?]] Bk's will be rented to deserving colored people, that will be able to pay their rent regularly; and states that this measure is not designed to destroy any benefits accruing, to the freedpeople but to enable greater economy [[?]] in the expenditure of this Bureau.

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