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 When Received | Name + Rank of Writer | Date + Purport of Communication  

Jan 2" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. Filed No 1395. | O'Neal J.C. A.A.Qr.Mr. | Freedmans Village, Va
Special requisition for (200) Two Hundred Prs Pants & (200) Two Hundred Coats, for issue to destitute freedpeople at the village.  

Jan 23" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1396 | Whittlesey E. A.A.A. Gen'l Vo Asst. Com'd D.C. E.B.2" Vol 164. 1868. | Washington D.C. Jan 20" 1868.
Spencer Brown, an old man, 7 yrs in Washington, wants a house at Arlington.
Have you any objection to his going there.  

Jan 24" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1397. | Coffin C.E. E.B.2" Vol 161. O.L.S. D.C. 60 | Muirkirk Furnace, Md. Jan 22" 1868.
States that he has had but few wood choppers out as yet. Asks that additional laborers may be sent to him.  

Jan 24" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1398 | McIntosh J.B. Bt Maj Gen'l E.B.2"Vol 162. O.L.S. D.C 1868 | Washington D.C. Jan 19" 1868.
Wishes a trusty colored man to take care of his carriage + horses, to be perfectly reliable. 


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When Received | Name + Rank of Writer | Date + Purport of Communication |

Jan 24" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1399 | Keys C.M. E.B.2" Vol 160. 1868 | Sligo PO. Md. Jan 21" 1868. 
Wishes six or eight able bodied freedmen to grub a piece of land, also a woman to cook and wash. Refers to Lewis Stephanie Esq or Messrs Kelborne & Latta.

Jan 24" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1400 | Mayor William L.B. 2" Vol No 28. 1868. | Mitchells Station Va. Jan 21" 1868.
Wishes to hire two good women and a good Boy from 15 to 18 years of age, as sev'ts to whom he will pay good wages. 

Jan 24" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. No 1401 | Ricks. Mrs. L.M.E. E.B. 2" Vol 162. 1868. | Washington D.C. Jan 22nd 1868.
Asks compensation for teaching Industrial School, Corner 17th & I. Sts. Since the commencement of the school in Oct 1867 over one Thousand garments have been manufactured &c. 

Jan 24" 1868. O.L.S. D.C. No 1402 | Griffing J.S. Agent. E.B. 2" Vol 160. 1868 | Washington D.C. Jan 21" 1868.
Submits the enclosed account of expenses, necessarily incurred in the business of her Office from Feby 9" 1867 to Jan'y 20" 1868. inclusive. 

Transcription Notes:
Messrs abbreviation of Messieurs - also end of page no longer used-see general insructions Refers to Lewis Stephanie Esq or Messrs Kelborne + Latta" doesn't look right. Should it be "Refers to Lewis Stephanie Esq or Mefas Kelborne + Latta" -- In other journals of this Bureau, the same issue has come up and the consensus seems to be that Mefs and Mefss = Miss and Misses respectively.