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[[3 column table]]

|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication|

|Feby 6" 1868 O.L.S. D.C. Filed|  Reed Daniel No 1438.| Washington D.C. Feb 7" 1867.
Acknowledges remittance of money on enclosed Rent Receipts for wisewell Banacks for the months of January & Feby 1868:|

|Feby 8"1868 O.L.S. D.C.|Clark S.H. A.A.A. Genl No 1439.|Washington. D.C. Feby 8"1868.
Returns to Mrs L.M.E. Ricks her Receipt Rolls. for the month of January. 1868. Cancelled for the reason that the endures and alterations in column of "Amount Received" will not pass the Treasury Dept. and that here after she will fill in correctly the number of articles made by each person & the column Dolls & cents 
"Amount paid" will be calculated & made up correctly at the Office of the D.C. of this Bureau. 

|Feby 8"1868 O.L.S. D.C.|Dishoro D.R. Agent. E.B.2"Vol 175. O.L.S.D.C. No 1440.|
Washington D.C. Feb'y 8"1868.
Requests that Daniel Ashton be paid for 3 days work done at Wisewell Banacks during the present month.|


[[3 column table]]

|When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication|

|Feb 10"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Elridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl E.B.2"Vol 175.1868 No 1441.|Washington D.C. Feb'y 10"1868.
Directs- E.G. Townsend. Agent &c. to Callas Hd Qrs A.C. D.C. without unnecessary delay.|

|Dec 11"1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Clark S.N. A.A.A. Genl. No 1442.|Washington D.C. Dec 11"1867. Directs Maj Vanderburgh. upon receipt of this Comr to receive Mr: S.S. Chamberlin. of all duty as Agent & assign some other Agt. under him in charge temporarily. &c &c.|

9/5"1867 O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Rogers WmW A.A.A. Genl No1443.|Washington. D.C. Aug 23d 1867.
The Sec'y of Won, has called for the following information for insertion in the Beirural Register. Ass't Comr of the Bureau are required to furnish a list of civilian employees, as follows. Agents. Clerks. Messengers and laborers. giving the name, where born, from what state appointed and amount of Annual compensation &c &c.|