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When Received|Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication

Feby 25" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.| Eldridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl EB2" Vol 186. O.L.S.D.C. 68
No 1495 | Washington D.C. Feb'y 25" 1868.
States that Maj J M Brown D.O. has been instructed to put the name of Mrs L.M.E. Ricks on his Rolls at $30 per Month to date from March 1st 1868. 

Feb'y 26" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.| Johnson J A Agent. E B 2" Vol 186. O.L.S.D.C. No 1496. | Washington D.C. Feb'y 26" 1868.
States that Ms Baker at the 7" Ward Soup House, refuses to honor Mrs Wright.  tickets for wood &c &c 

 Feby 27" 68 O.L.S.D.C.|Wall O.S.B. Supt Bks E B 2" Vol 187. O.L.S.D.C. No 1497. | Campbell Barracks Feb'y 27" 1868.
Requests that the Qr Mr. furnish him 150. feet of prepared [[inch?]] Lumber suitable for running a partition through a room, 3 Locks & 2 Stove pipe [[trimmers?]]- also a Carpenter.
The above is necessary to fit up rooms for Mary Lynch Clerk at Hd Qr Asst Comr

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When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication 

Feby 20" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.| Campbell Jos H.
E B 2" Vol 187. O.L.S.D.C. No 1498. | Washington D.C. Jan'y 10" 1868
States that he was employed by John Leonard. Montgomery Co Md from April 15" 1865. to the last of October 1866. at ten dollars per month & board. That during this time he received but one pair of pantaloons, four shirts, one pair of Boots, one pair of shoes & about Seven dollars in liquors in all about twenty one dollars.

Feby 27" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.| Townsend E G Supt No 1499. Forward | Kendal Green Barracks
Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at Kendal Green Barracks for the month of Feby 68 No of families 100. And collected $4.00

Feb 13" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.| Disbrou D R Supt
No 1500. Forward|Wisewell Barracks
Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at Wisewell Bks for the month of Feb'y 1868.
No of families 70. and collected $75.50