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[[3 column table]] 
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date & Purport of Communication |

|Feby 28" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Blodgett G.W. LB2"Vol#76.1868 No 1507.|Le Roy, N.Y. Feby 19" 1868. Desires to know if it is possible for him to get a good active Freedman, one accustomed to farming and the care and management of horses. To such an one he will pay good wages. |
|Feb'y 26"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Clark S.H. A.A.A. Genl EB2"Vol188.1868 No 1508.| Washington D.C. Feby 26" 1868. The Asst Comr. directs that a list of freedpeople (be furnished at once) for whom transportation has been applied for, to go from this City to Cambridgeport (or Boston) Mass since Jan 1" 1868. And that the names of those who acutally left this City by Marked &c. |

|Feby 29"1868  O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Dowden C. No 1509.| Newark, N.J. Feby 26" 1868. In connection with former letters, wishes a man to work in house and garden, wages $12 per month and board. Encloses certified check for fare. |


[[3 column table]] 
| When Received | Name + Rank of Writer | Date + Purport of Communication |

|Feb'y 29"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Hardy E.G. LB2"Vol#88.1868 No 1510.| Granville Corners, Mass. Feby 25" 1868. Wishes a colored boy from 16 to 18 year old, to work on his farm,cut wood etc. Will increase pay after a year, if suited. 
|Feb'y 29"1868 O.L.S.D.C.|Craig Mrs. K H LB2"Vol#87.1868 No 1511.| Duncannon Pa Feby 25" 1868. Wishes a girl for general housework. Will pay her $1.25 per week,with privileges of doing her own sewing. States that a man could find work of he understood farming at the same pay as white servants receive.|
|Feb29"1868 O.L.S.D.C. Filed|Elridge Stuart A.A.A.G. No 1512.| Washington D.C. Feby 24" 1868. States that Mis L.M.E. Ricks has been instructed to cease issueing supplies of any kind from this date. And that her services as visiting Agent of Sp Relief Comr. will not be required after Feby 29" 1868.

Transcription Notes:
missing date and purport of communication content Response: Completed transcription