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When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Comport of Communication

Mch 4" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1527. | Dukey Fred S A.S.A.C. EB2" Vol194.1868 | Bowling Green Va. July 20"1868. 
Frank Spencer (freedmen) states that he has two sons in Washington D. C. John 16 and Frank 17 years of age- whom he desires to return & assist him. If they are well situated where they now are, and cannot well leave, desires that they shall each of them contribute something monthly toward his support. as he is aged and crippled.

Mch 5" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1528. | Wheeler G.A. A.A Surg. U.S.A. E.B.2 Vol 192.1868 | Washington DC March 3d 1868 
Requests that the Desk now used at East Capt St Barracks be turned over to him, when that Office is finally closed. To be receipted for by him to Major Vanderburgh Local Supt D.C. Appd by A.B.D.C.Rec 

March 3"1868 O.L.S.D.C. No. 1529. | Disbrow D.R. Supt. Forwarded | Washington D.C.  
Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at East Cap'tl Bk's during the month of Feb'y 1868. Amount collected $15.95. No of families 61- 


When Received| Name & Rank of Writer| Date & Purport of Communication

Mch 5" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1530.| Wall O.S.B. Supt. | Campbell Barracks D.C. Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at Campbell Barracks for the month of Feb'y 1868. Amount collected $26.00  No of Families 66. 

Feb'y 28" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1531. | Kelsey Hon W H. M.C. | Washington D.C. Feb'y 22d 1868. 
States that a lady at Danville N.Y. desires to get two colored girls from 10 to 15 years of age. as servants. Inquires whether they can be secured, and the terms. etc. etc.

Mch 6" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 1532. | Fill & Marple Prim. Sol. O. School. EB 2" Vol 194. 1868. | Quakertown. Penna March 4" 1868. 
Wish three colored women, two for Laundry & one for cook
Refers, to Hon C.N. Taylor. M.C.
Rec B. 5/29 '68  see May File '68

Jan 10" '68 O.L.S.D.C. Filed No. 1532 1/2 | Howard O.O. Maj Genl Com'r | Washington D.C. Jan 9" 1868 
Letter to Local Supt D.C. relative to removing Tenements from East Capt'l
Bk's etc. etc.