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[[3 columned table]]
When Received. | Name of Writer | Date & Purport of Letter.

April 14" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. Filed 8 | Eldridge Stuart A.A.A Genl. | Washington D.C. April 14th 1868.
Asst Com’r D.C. directs that the Hd Qrs building on sqr 773. Kendal Green, be moved to any public ground adjoining sqr 748. unless such ground be otherwise appropriated.  Barrack on Sqr 804. be vacated immediately and occupants transferred to barracks on sqr 748; should there be lack of accommodation there, the remainder will be placed in Wisewell Barracks.
April 14th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 9 | Browne A.K. Attorney &c  E.B.2" Vol 228.1868. | Washington D.C. April 14" 1868 Requests W. William Davis to pay to the order of the Local Supt D.C. the amount due by him (Davis) to Emeline M Grien (Cold) for services as Cook.

April 16" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 10 | Eldridge Stuart A.A.A. Genl. E.B. 2" Vol 226. O.L.S.D.C. See No 13. | Washington D.C. April 16th 1868. Requests that the Local Supt D.C. ascertain the names of the freedmen sent to Vermont by Mrs Guiffing at request of Judge Olin; when they started: by what sent and whether anything has been heard from them.

When Received. | Name of Writer | Date & Purport of Letter.

April 16"1868 O.L.S.D.C.  11| Townsend E.G. Supt.&c | Washington D.C. April 16" 1868. States in obedience to order of Aprl 13". received from Maj Eldridge A.A.A.Genl,that he is making all possible dispatch in removing from the quarters he has been occupying, but in consequence of a misunderstanding and the illness of his family; he will be unable to vacate the premises before the 30" April. 

April 16"1868 O.L.S.D.C. Filed 12 | Townsend E.G. Supt.&c | Washington D.C. April 16" 1868. States that he finds it impossible to close out sooner than the time named(30"Aprl); requests that the receipts for Quarter Masters property be sent to him, that he may close his accounts, also that some Stationery be sent him. |
April 15"1868 O.L.S.D.C. 13 
Griffing Mrs J.S. See EBQ"Vol226.1868 | Washington D.C. April 15" 1868. States that the names of the persons sent to the friends of Judge Olin.(Mrs Gear and Mrs White) and Proff Bascomb were - Geo Jackson and Priscilla Jackson: Susan Bell. Aaron Barrett and wife. and that a Telegram from Proff Bascomb two days after (4" mar) that they had not arrived. That the route by which Transportation was issued for them, was not observed until the evening they were to start.

Transcription Notes:
Markdown tables cannot have blank lines (it'll mess up the formatting). not finished... AAA Genl = acting assistant adjutant general, which Eldridge was. Not sure about the number 804.