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[[three columned table]]
|When Received.|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter.|
|July 28th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 177|Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. Genl. E.B. 271 O.L.D.C. 1868|Washington D.C. July 28th 1868 States there is an Orphan with Mrs. G.K. Philips on 13th St between R.&S; that it is the desire of the Asst. Commr. D.C. he be hunted up, and sent to Maine with the party that leaves tomorrow night.|
|July 27th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 178|Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. General|Washington D.C. July 27th 1868 As directed by the Asst. Commr. D.C. to inform Mrs. J.S. Griffing that her service will not be required after 31" of August 1868 and that leave of absence is granted her from that date; States that this action is taken in accordance with a general policy of reduction, and in compliance with the recommendation of the Inspector General of this Bureau. Transmitted same date (The same conversation in substance transmitted to Miss E.S. Griffing)|
July 28th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 179|Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. General|Washington D.C. July 28th 1868 As directed by the Asst Commr. D.C. to inform Mrs. J.S. Griffing that no rent will be paid by the Bureau for the house  394 Nth Capt St occupied by her as an office after July 31" 1868 Transmitted same date|
|July 29th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 180|Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. General|Washington D.C. July 29th 1868 Requests that the date of discharge of Harrison Harris Messenger at Mrs. Griffing's be changed from July 31" to August 1st 1868 Filed|

[[three columned table]]
|When Received.|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter.|
|July 29" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 181|Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. Genl. Filed|Washington D.C. July 29th 1868 Informs the Local Supt. D.C. that an application from Head Qtrs. Asst. Commr. D.C. the Commissioner Bureau R.F. and A.L. has reinstated R.D. Beckley as an agent in this district at 70$ per month to date from Aug 1" 1868 (New appointment enclosed) (transmitted)|
|July 29th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 182|O.S.B. Wall Agent E.B.Page 271.O.L.D.C.1868|Campbell Barracks Washington D.C. July 28th 1868 States that Major Bray a crippled freedman has been on duty as watchman at that camp at a compensation of Five (5) dollars per month Ask whether Bray is to be transferred to him at  Lincoln Buildings.|
|July 31" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 183|J.C. Abeel Agent|Freedman's Village Va July 28th 1868 States that Patient Williams living on Va Av. between 3 and 4 1/2 St, daughter of Harris and Matilda Washington will furnish quarter for them if rations can be furnished. Forwarded to Dr. Reyborn same date.|
|July 31" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 184| Lemuel F?man E.B.271 O.L.S.D.C.1868|Washington D.C. July 30th 1868 Complains that Capt. O.S.B. Wall has ordered him and others to remove from rooms now occupied by them at Lincoln Buildings Tenements, stating that he required  them for his own use.|