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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia,
Washington, December 11th, 1866.

Circular Letter.

In all applications to these Head Quarters for transportation by Officers, Agents and others, for freed people from this District, it must appear that the Freedmen to be transported are those who are now dependent upon the Government for support, and are liable to remain for some time to come so dependent, or who are located at points where there is great destitution and are liable soon to become for any considerable time dependent upon the Government for support and that employment has been provided for them, whereby the Government will be relieved from further expense on their account.

No orders for transportation will hereafter be signed, until the number of people transported has been stated in the certificate and the printed instructions on the face of the order in this particular, will be strictly complied with.

By order of 
Brevet Brigadier General C. H Howard
Wm W. Rogers
Brt. Lieut Col & A A A G

Lieut. Col. W. M. Beebe
Local Supt. D.C.

Transcription Notes:
Please note that in letterhead it says "Freedmen," not "Freedom" :) -- Beth