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Wolfboro N.H. Carrol County

Lieut Col. W. M. Beebe Local Supt.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c
Washington D.C.

My Dear Sir,  I have not written in reply to your favor of Dec 18,/66 because I thought the climate might be too severe to come on in wither, rather than when the warm season is coming on. I now write for a Mr Moses Varney of this village who desires a girl for General Housework cooking, washing, ironing etc  Mr Vs is a Quaker family a Tanner by trade enough to eat & drink & to do & one who would treat a girl kindly. 

He is willing to pay $2.00 per week for a first rate Girl. The nearest Rail Road Statio nis at Alton N.H. in the Boston & Maine R.R. Please write Mr Varney when he may expect a girl at Alton N.H. that he may meet her.

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