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Vol. 2 No. 592 A.C.D.C. 1867

Clearfield Pa, Jan. 5. 67

Smith Alfred. M,
Referred by 
Hon. G. W. Schofield

Requests that Mr. James Forrest may procure from the Bureau a middle aged Woman, raised in the country for a domestic.

MB1 Vol 100. O.L.S. No. 246
Rec'd O.L.S.D.C. 1/15 1867

War Department
Bureau of Refugees F. and A.L.
Washington January 12. 1867

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Brig. Genl. C.H. Howard Asst. Comm for D.C. who will please comply with the request within if possible.
By order of
Major General O.O. Howard
A.P. Ketchum
A.A.A. Genl.


Hd. Qrs. A.C.D.C. 
Jany 15 1867
Respectfully referred to Lieut Col Beebe for attention and action.
By order of
Bvt. Brig. Genl Howard
M. Clark
A.A.A. Genl.