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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia,
Washington, January 21st 1867.

Lieut. Col. W. M. Beebe Jr.
Local Supt D.C.

The Asst. Commissioner directs that you will without delay supply the following named destitute people with such quanities of wood as their present necessities actually require. Viz:

Lavinia Hunter, 13th & "R" near Quarters
Lucinda Brown 13th St. bet R. & S.
Robert Johnson, Corner 12th & "Q" Sts.
John Hall, "U" St bet. 11th & 12th
Mahala Washington "U" St bet. 11th & 12th
Louisa Johnson "U" St bet. 11th & 12th
Ellen Johnson 11th St bet "U" & "V"
Maria Goodman 11th St bet "U" & "V"
Jane Strouder 11th St bet "U" & "V"
Esther Pendleton 11th St bet "U" & "V"
Mary Johnson 11th St bet "U" & "V"
Evelina Davis 10th St bet. U & V.

Transcription Notes:
A few unknowns