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Pennsylvania Branch
American Freedman's Union Commission
No. 711 Sansom Street

Stephen Colwell, Pres.
Francis R. Cope, VIce Pres.
Ellis Yarnall, Rec. Sec.
Robert R. Corson, Cor. Sec.
R.W. Clark, Treasurer
35 South Third Street

April 29th 1867

W.M. Bigler, Jr.
Lieut Col. and Local Supt.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir.

Your favor of the 27th in reference to Mr. Geo. E. Stephens is duly received and in reply I would say we believe him to be a responsible person, capable of performing the work he wishes to engage in, and should you conclude to send the freedmen to him, I will send him such orders for them as may from time to time be left at this office.

The "House of Industry and this association, are not one and the same society.  The only connection that we had with it was that they granted us the privilege of boarding there such freed-