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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Pennsylvania Av., bet. 18th and 19th Streets.
Washington, May 13 1867

Lt Wm W. Rogers
A.A.A. Genl:

On the 12th of March last, the statement of Elizabeth Dade & Sallie Robinson - freedwomen - was forwarded from this office with a request that the proper office might be instructed to procure the release of their sons who had been enticed away by one John. Alfred Parks, living in Summerset [[Somerset]] Co. Eastern Shore Md. near Princess Ann. The records of this Office do not show that action was taken in the case. And the Mothers again applying for some action to be taken for the return of their sons. I again respectfully request that the enclosed statements of Elizabeth Dade may be referred to the Officer of the Bureau for Summerset [[Somerset]] Co. and the release of the boys obtained.

Respectfully Your ob't Servant.
W.M. Beebe Jr
Capt. 38th US Inft.
Local Supt. D.C.

L. 1 Vol 350. 1867.