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reserve collections, catalogued, and arranged systematically for use. The crustacen for the second series of duplicates have been all put up, and progress is now being made with the other groups. The second series of duplicates will probably be ready for distribution early in January, and by that time a fourth series, to be called educational series No 2, and considering of 200 sets, will be under way. I have selected a part of the commercial crustacea for the London Exhibition, in 1883, and have prepared for the same purpose of the commercial sponges on hand, though some of the identifications still remain to be made. A start has also been made with the exhibit, illustrative of deep sea sounding operations in this country.

The work of completing the report on the Lobster Industry of the country, which had been delayed for some time, has again been actively taken up, with the intention of finishing it by the middle of December.

On November 14, by your orders, I visited New York City, to examine the coral collection of H.C. Woodman, and other natural history stores in that [[strikethrough]] country [[/strikethrough]] city, in order to select if possible desirable additions to our invertebrate collections, especially in the way of Florida corals. The results of this trip I have already reported to you verbally, Mr. Woodman has a very fine miscellaneous collection of corals, but as the species were mostly unidentified