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C.C. Herrick, Minneapolis, Minn. collection of crayfish from several localities in Alabama and Minnesota representing 3 or 4 species, Acc. No. 11985.

Dr. Thos. C. Craig, U.S.N. U.S.S. Jamestown, small collection of marine Invert. from the South Atlantic. Acc. No. 11655.

Ernest Wilkinson, U.S.N.
Small collection of starfishes from the Arctic Regions. Acc. No. 11925.

Richard H. Day, Bar Harbor, Maine.
Specimen of Primnoa reseda from the coast of Maine. Acc. No. 11809.

Dean. Lange, Albany, N.Y.
specimen of parasite from [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Salmon.  Acc. No. 11699.

John L.F. Butcher, Chicago, Ills.
Specimen of parasite, origin not stated. Acc. No. 11798.

James N. Bishop, Plainsville, Conn.
Two specs. shells for identification from W. Coast Florida. Acc. No. 11677.