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The following Donations were made to this Department during April and May, 1882.

No. 11282, April 3d. About 1300 microscopic slides of foraminifera from various American and English Expeditions, purchased from Prof. H. L. Smith, Geneva, N.Y.

No. 11287 and 11397, Apl. 4. and May 4. Two boxes of alcoholic specimens from V. N. Edwards  (U. S. F. C.) Wood's Hole, Mass. being Squid, Echini, Surface towings and fish parasites.

No. 11297. Apl. 6 Dr. Hungerford. one box of shells from China.

No. 11343, April 20. 1 spec. of squid in alcohol. from Galena Jonete, Beaufort, S.C. 

No. 11346, April 20. Small collection of marine invertebrates, dry and alcoholic, from Bermuda, from Dr. Geo. W. Harves.

No. 11405, May 5. Four specimens of squid and two of crabs, from the Linnean Society, Sidney, Australia.

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