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Acc. No. 11100, Feby. 3, Chas. E. Alling, Rochester, N.Y. 2 microscopic preparations of worms from the feeder to the canal from Tennessee River.

Acc. No. 11101, Feby. 3, V. N. Edwards, Wood's Hole, Mass. Collection of Crustacea from Wood's Hole. 

Acc. No. 11140, Feby. 18. Henry H. Sears, East Dennis, Mass. one dry specimen of Aphrodita aculeata.

Acc. No. 11161, Feby. 25. T. M. Johnson, Boston, Mass. 2 specimens of lobsters from Vinal Haven, Me. supposed to be about a year and a half old.

Acc. No. 11163, Feby. 25 E. E. Shepard, Fairfield, Ills. 3 species of freshwater shells from White Water River, Indiana. 

Very Respectfully,
Richard Rathbun

Curator. Dept. Marine Invert.)

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