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The United States Fish Commission.

A brief account of those explorations of the Fish Commission, for 1884, which have been productive of valuable zoological results, now, or soon to be, shared in by the National Museum, will not be out of place in this connection, although reference has already been made to them under the accessions.

The steamer Albatross, under command of Lieut. Comdr. J. T. Farmer, U.S.N., continued in active service during nearly the entire year. From January to May, she was detailed for sounding operations in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, under the direction of the Hydrographic Bureau of the Navy department, but was also able to make many dredgings, and visited several interesting ports where the naturalists occupied their time to good advantage. Mr. James E. Benedict was the naturalist in charge, and was assisted by Mr. Willard Nye, Jr., of New