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would otherwise have permitted. The zoological investigations this year were carried on under the immediate supervision of Prof. A.E. Verrill, who has been connected with the Commission since the first year of its [[strikethrough]] existence [[/strikethrough]] establishment. His associates and assistants in the laboratory work, in addition to the Curator, Mr. Peter Parker Jr., and Mr. A. H. Baldwin, who belong to the permanent staff of the Commission, were Prof. S. J. Smith, of Yale College, Mr. Sanderson Smith, of New York, Prof. L. A. Lee, of Bowdoin College, Prof. Edwin Linton, of Washington and Jefferson College, Mr. H. L. Bruner, of Illinois, Mr. B. F. Koons, of the [[strikethrough]] Connecticut State [[/strikethrough]] Storrs Agricultural School, Connecticut, Mr. J. H. Blake, of Cambridge, Mass., (as artist), Ensign W. E. Safford, U.S.N., and Mr. Willard Nye, Jr., of New Bedford, Mass. Mr. James E. Benedict continued in charge of the natural history work on the steamer Albatross, and during the several trips made