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194       THE CRISIS

The annual convention of newspaper men, of which Mr. C. J. Perry, of Philadelphia, Pa., is president, will be held in Nashville, Tenn., February 7-10.

The forty-ninth annual session of Negro Masons has been held in Anderson, S. C., with over four hundred delegates present. The mayor of Anderson, the Honorable J. H. Godfrey, delivered an address of welcome.

More than 700 delegates attended the annual session of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina held at Washington. 

At the convention of former slaves held recently at the Cosmopolitan church (colored), Washington, D. C., the two women featured below were in attendance. On the left is Elizabeth Buckley, 125 years old, and Rachel Fay, 100 years old, on the right.



An industrial conference in Johannesburg has been discussing cotton growing in South Africa. It suggested that Negroes be imported from the southern states of America to carry on this industry.

In Liberia the inhabitants celebrated on December 23 the 100th anniversary of the founding of the American Colonization Society, which established the colony of American Negroes in Liberia.

In London, England, ex-Mayor Archer, of Battersea, a Negro, was among the first people to be invited by King George to visit with him the hospitals of the city during the holidays. Mr. Archer was accompanied by his wife.

A commissioner of the West African Government has left London for Kumasi, Gold Coast, Africa, to install a moving picture plant as a method toward civilization among the natives. Among the pictures of "educational" value is listed first: "A rip-roaring cowboy melodrama with plenty of shooting and lynching."

Sweet and Maxwell, London, England, have published Volume I of Gold Coast Reports, collected by Mr. Peter Awoonor Renner, a Negro.

The West Indies Trading Association was recently incorporated in Canada with a capital stock of $40,000. Shares in the stock may be purchased by any Negro.

Efforts are being made through the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society to amend the Native Land Act of South Africa. Legislative provision is being urged for the gradual expropriation of lands owned by Europeans for the permanent settlement of natives in such areas, and local administration of native affairs by means of native councils.

G. G. Cruickshank, of Demerara, has issued two volumes: "Negro Humor," and "Black Talk," which give notes on dialects in the West Indies and traces them back to Africa.

Canada has prohibited the landing of colored people from the West Indies and British Guiana into the dominion.

The American Commercial Commission, which has been touring France, was given a banquet at St. Etienne. Prominent among the guests was William L. Hunt, United States consul, who was "particularly" welcomed in the speech of the chairman as one who had merited the sympathy of the citizens on account of his amenable qualities. The Prefect of the Department of the Loire also said that Consul Hunt had increased the natural sympathy which the French have for the United States, and mentioned his courtesy and conciliatory spirit.


BECAUSE she rode in the same sleeper in which a colored man rode, Mrs. Betty Norton, of Jackson, Miss., has been awarded $1,000 by the courts.

Four Negroes being held in the murder case of the Reeves family in Minden, Louisiana, are being well guarded in the county jail. Sheriff Phillips has announced his determination that "there shall be no lynching."

The Supreme Court of Mississippi took the attitude that a Negro on trial for his life is entitled to discover through his counsel whether the jurors who are to be empanelled to try him are free from bias or prejudice against him for the reason that he is a Negro; in other words, to ascertain whether the feeling of race prejudice in the minds of the jurors would dominate their judgment in determining the issue between himself and the state, notwithstanding the evidence that might be presented in dealing


with the case of Joe Hill, a Negro, who was tried some time ago in Bolivar County for murder, and sentenced to death.

A decision in the courts of Los Angeles, Cal., obtained by Willis O. Tyler, has invalidated clauses in deeds limiting the transfer of property to white people.

A Chinese restaurant, in Boston, has been fined $100 for discriminating against colored people.

The courts declare that the jitneys of Milwaukee, Wis., must not discriminate against colored people.

A colored boy of Hancock County, W. Va., has brought suit against the Board of Education for not furnishing a free school to which he can go.

Three hundred Cherokee Indians have begun a movement to recover the value of lands and money to the value of about $30,000,000 apportioned by the government to the slaves of the Cherokees under the Treaty of 1866.

A mass meeting was held recently at Bristow, Okla., to protest against the segregation ordinances passed there. The colored people are considering secession to a separate Negro town, five miles away. Seventy percent of the town's trade comes from the colored people, and the colored farmers have ginned $56,000 worth of cotton this fall.


According to The Crisis records were fifty-nine persons lynched in the United States during the year 1916; fifty-two Negro men, three white men, 1 Mexican, and three Negro women. Our record for lynchings during 1916 is as follows:

January 2- South Carolina- ... Sims, insulting a white girl.

January 12- North Carolina- John Richards, alleged murder.

January 20- Georgia- Felix Lake, Frank Lake, Dewey Lake, Major Lake, Rodius Keith, murder.

January 25- Texas- W.J. Mayfield (white), alleged murder.

January 25- Alabama- Richard Burton, burglary and stabbing owner of premises.

January 28- Florida- Richard Anderson, charged with rape.

January 31- Arkansas- Will Warren, accused of chasing white boys.

February 10- Georgia- James King, charged with murder.

February 12- Georgia- Marvin Harris, charged with murder.

February 25- Georgia- Jesse McCorkle, charged with attempted rape.

March 4- North Carolina- David Evans shot to death for murder.

March 6- Tennessee- Will Whitley, murder.

March 20- Iowa- James Jones, "attempting to attack a white girl."

March 31- Mississippi- Jeff Brown. He was running to catch a train and accidentally brushed against a white girl.

April 3- Oklahoma- Oscar Martin, attacking a white girl.

April 5- North Carolina- Joseph Black; his son was accused of attacking a white girl.

April 5- Missouri- Lafayette Chandler, shot and burned for murder.

April 10- Texas- Private John Wade, shot by state ranger.

April 10- Oklahoma- Carl Dudley, shot to death for wounding a policeman.

April 16- Florida- John Dykes (white) charged with murder.

May 5- Texas- Tom Dickson accused of attacking a white girl.

May 15- Texas- Jesse Washington, burned by mob, accused of rape and murder.

May 20- Texas- Geronimo Lerma (Mexican) suspected of cutting a white woman with knife.

May 27- Arkansas- Felix Gilmore, accused of attempting to attack a white girl.

August 9- Arkansas- Unidentified Negro, attacking a white girl.

August 19- Florida- Josh Baskin,
August 19- Florida- Bert Dennis,
August 19- Florida- Mary Dennis,
August 19- Florida- Stella Long.
Alleged complicity in the escape of a criminal.

August 19- Texas- Ed Lang, attempted assault.

August 19- Georgia- Lewis, for entering a house, is supposed to have been lynched.

August 26- Louisiana- Jesse Hanment, attempted assault.

September 8- Tacoma, Washington- T. N. Bethel, killed by strikers for being a "scab."

September 9- Georgia- Unknown Negro supposed to have been killed for murder of Crawford, a farmer.

September 9- Louisiana- - Israel, shot for wounding a foreman.

September 20- Georgia- Henry White, alleged attack on a white girl.

September 21- Georgia- Pete Hudson, shot for murder.

September 21- Kansas- Bert Dudley (white), murder.

September 23- Tennessee- Two Negroes, shot for murder.

September 27- Georgia- Moxie Shuler, for "attempting to attack" a white girl.