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nightfall she did not once change the upright position she had assumed, nor did her eye-lids once droop over her staring eyes. "They took her from me an' she died" - "They took her from me an' she died" - over and over she repeated the same sentence. 

When early the next morning Mammy reached Shiela's home, Shiela herself came down the road to meet her, ready with words of comfort and love. But as in years gone by, it was Mammy who took the golden head on her breast, and patted it, and bade the girl to dry her tears. As of old, too, it was Mammy who first spoke of other things; she asked to be shown the baby, and Shiela only too willingly led the way to the nursery where in his crib the child lay cooing to itself. Mammy took up the little body and again and again tossed it up into the air with the old cry "Up she goes, Shiela," till he laughed aloud. 

Suddenly she stopped, and clasping the child close she took a hurried step towards the open window. At a short distance from the house rolled the sea and Mammy gazes upon it as if fascinated. And as she stared, over and over the words formed themselves: "They took her from me an' she died," - "They took her from me an' she died."

From below came the sound of voices, "They're waiting for you, Mammy," - it was Shiela's soft voice that spoke - 'to take Lucy - you understand, dear." 

Mammy's eyes remained fixed upon the waves, - "I can't go - go foh me, chile, won't you?" And Shiela thought that she understood the poor woman's feelings and without even pausing to kiss her child she left the room and joined the waiting slaves. 

Mammy heard the scraping as of a heavy box upon the gravel below; heard the tramp of departing footsteps as they grew fainter and fainter until they died away. Then and only then, did she turn her eyes from the wild waters and looking down at the child in her arms, she laughed a low, peculiar laugh. She smoothed back the golden ringlets from his forehead, straightened out the little white dress, and then, choosing a light covering for his head, she descended the stairs and passed quietly out of the house. 

A short walk brought Mammy and her burden to the lonely beach; at the water's edge she stood still. Then she shifted the child's position until she supported his weight in her hands and with a shrill cry of "Up she goes, Shiela," she lifted him above her head. Suddenly she flung her arms forwards, at the same time releasing her hold of his little body. A large breaker caught him in its foam, swept him a few feet towards the shore and retreating, carried him out into the sea --- 

A few hours later, two slaves in frantic search for the missing child found Mammy on the beach tossing handfuls of sand into the air and uttering loud, incoherent cries. And as they cam she, she pointed towards the sea and with the laugh of a mad-woman shouted: "They took her from me an' she died!"

By Lucian B. Watkins

THE sweetest charm of all the earth 
Came into being with her birth. 
All that without her we would lack, 
She is in purity and black. 
The pansy and the violet - 
The dark of all the flowers met 
And gave their wealth of color in 
The ebon beauty of her skin. 
Wrought winds of evening are her face, 
Gentle with love and rich in grace; 
The burning splendors of her eyes
Are jewels from the midnight skies; 
Her nestling-raven hair, close-curled, 
The Ancient wonder of the world
Seems, in its strange, uncertain length, 
A deathless crown - a mighty strength. 
Her smile - it is the rising moon, 
The waking of a night in June: 
Her teeth are tips of white, that gleam
Like starlights in a happy dream; 
Her laughter is the Christmas bell
Of "Peace on earth" and "All is well;"
Her voice - it is the dearest part 
Of all the glory in her heart: 
The height of joy, the deep of tears, 
The surging passions of the years, 
The mystery and dark of things - 
We feel their meanings when she sings. 
Her garments gracefully caress
Her tender form of sinlessness, 
And on her bosom's curves sublime
Make love's eternal rhythm and rhyme. 
Her thoughts are pure and everyone
But make her good to look upon. 
Daughter of God! You are divine, 
O Ebon Maid and Girl of Mine!  


    WILLIAM ALPHEUS HUNTON was born and educated at Chatham, Ontario. After graduating from Wilberforce Institute he secured, at Ottawa, a clerkship in the Canadian Civil Service. Soon he connected himself with the Young Men's Christian Association in that city and became especially identified with the Bible Class work and the boys' work, and his labors were very acceptable. 
   The attention of one of the international secretaries on a visit to Ottawa was called to Mr. Hunton, who impressed him of his qualifications to be a leader of this movement among colored people. This led to him being called to undertake the secretaryship of the colored Young Men's Christian Association at Norfolk, Virginia. At first he almost refused to consider the proposition, but said he would think it over. He came back the next morning and said "I will go." Against the advice of his pastor and friends he went to Norfolk to take up the work, and to this day he is esteemed by the citizens, both white and colored. 
   After beginning his work, Mr. Hunton had many dark days and trying experiences in dealing with a group of people who were unacquainted with the Association work and its methods.
   Developing in capacity and leadership as secretary of the Norfolk Branch, he rendered occasional service to the International Committee in the extension of Association work among colored young men. 
   The result of this occasional visitation by him was so satisfactory that in December, 1890, he accepted a call to become the first colored secretary of that committee. Until 1898 he was the only secretary of his race engaged in supervisory work. He was joined in that year by an associate, Dr. J. E. Moorland. The force has since been increased to six men.
    As a successful pioneer, Mr. Hunton traveled throughout the country as an organizer and he did his best to establish the spirit of the movement in the hearts of the people. His most outstanding work was in the colleges. He had a tremendous influence upon the student life of the colored race. Many promising Negro leaders today, and those who will certainly to leaders tomorrow, have been influenced by his beautiful, simple, trustful life. He had no interest, whatever, in personal aggrandizement or factional debate, but his one purpose was to advance the unity of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ among men of all conditions and races. His acceptance as a speaker on convention platforms is well known by the brotherhood in America and in foreign lands. His address at the World's Student Christian Federation, in Japan, was one among the best delivered and the same was said of his address a year ago at the World's Conference at Lake Mohonk. 
   Mr. Hunton was married to Miss Addie Waytes, a prominent school teacher of Norfolk, Virginia, in 1893. He has been a faithful and devoted husband and a loving father. His devotion to his brothers and sisters was a strong evidence of what the ties of kinship may be made to mean in this life. He was always a safe confidant, and wise counsellor and one who bore the burdens of his friends with them. His life was true and sweet and will ever be held before young men as an example worthy of highest emulation. 
   In his last moments he remarked that it would be only a few day and he would go. He smiled when he was told that though he was leaving, his work would be carried on and his name never forgotten.