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An Episcopal boarding school for girls, under the direction of the Sisters of St.Mary.
609 N. 43d St. W. Philadelphia, Pa.

Recitals Concerts Oratorio Opera
"An unusually good voice. The natural quality is beautiful. It is a luscious yet manly voice. Mr. Hayes sings freely and with good taste." —Philip Hale, in the Boston Herald.
"A voice of unusual sweetness and calibre."
—Chattanooga Times.

Evans Art
Pianos and Players
Factory to You
[[image - drawing of piano]]
and up can be saved by my plan of selling direct from my factory to you. I can save you from $125 to $250 on an Evans Artist Model Piano or Player.

Freight Paid The easiest kind of terms, week-ly, monthly, quarterly or yearly payments to suit your convenience. All middle-men, jobbers, dealers and agents profits cut out. These are some of the reasons why I can sell the Evans Artist Model Pianos for such little money. Let me send you the other reasons.


We allow all freight charges, let you use the beautiful Evans Artist Model Piano for thirty days free. If you are not entirely satisfied, we will take it back without any cost to you—you are the sole judge to decide. If you want to keep it, you may do so on our low factory wholesale price on most convenient terms. 

Music Lessons Without Cost

To every customer we will give a two years course of piano instruction free. Ask about our insurance plan. Write today.

F.O. EVANS, Gen. Mgr., Dept. B'35 Chicago

LINCOLN, MD., near Washington, D.C., on "the finest and best constructed electric railroad in the world." 
Special: A large lot, 50 by 150, a house to be built on it according to plans specified in the contract, 3 pear trees, 3 apple trees, 3 peach trees, 15 chickens, 1 pig, firewood for two years, free grazing for cow or horse, all for a total of $750; payable $5 down and $5 per month, without interest. Sample house now occupied by C. B. Fulton.

1403 New York Ave. Washington, D.C.

[[image - young child and dog]]
The number of children in Lincoln was increased by ten new arrivals in October, 1915.
Watch Lincoln Grow

E. Aldama Jackson
Graduate Institute of Musical Art, Organist and Director of Music St. Mark's M. E. Church.  
Teacher of Theory and Piano
Theory course embraces elementary and advanced Harmony or Counterpoint
Private or Class Work
Studio:  30 W. 132d Street, New York City

Of Interest to Vocalists
Tone-Placing and Voice Development, With Supplement Co-ordinating with Original Chapters

Highly recommended and endorsed by well known Choral and Musical Societies, Directors, Vocal Teachers and Musical Publications, as evidenced by the following extracts selected at random from those who know:

Pedro T. Tinsley of Chicago is the first of the vocal teachers to realize the possibilities of Tone-Placing and Vowel Values (Study) as applied to music, and will soon be reaping his reward in the knowledge that he is helping thousands to a thorough musical education where he previously helped but hundreds.

[[image- drawing of a book]]

The Music Trades.

I highly endorse your Book Tone-Placing and Voice-Development as being in a class by itself.  This is my fourth order and will be able to use quite a number of additional copies very soon.
G. W. Williams, B.M.A., 
1214 Pease Ave., Houston, Texas.

"Dear Mr. Tinsley:
"I take great pleasure in commending your very useful and succinctly written book on 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development.' Your own appreciation of the psychology of singing and the fundamental principles of the art you have cleverly reduced to a simple system.  Cordially yours,
"Father William J. Finn, C. S. P., Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago."

From "Musical Courier," N.Y.: "A very practical little book is 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development,'by Pedro T. Tinsley.  It contains some very excellent material and vocal excerses, and should be in the hands of all vocal students."
From "Music News," Chicago, Ill.: "Accordingly this 'Practical Method of Singing' is a most concise and practical little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises.  It cannot fail to be helpful to all ambitious vocal students."

Price $1.00

Address the publisher: Pedro T. Tinsley, 6448 Drexel Ave., Chicago, Ill., or Clayton F. Summy, 64 E. Van Buren St., or Lyon & Healy, Adams and Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. 

Mention The Crisis

Vol. 11-No.3    January, 1916     Whole No. 63

Along The Color Line 

Music And Art

The symphony "Antar," by the Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakoff, the music of which is largely based on Oriental folk themes, was played on November 12th by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, at Boston, Massachusetts. The composer took the subject from the Arab story. "Antar" was a mulatto, the son of an African slave and a chieftain. Acknowledged and freed by his father, he became famous as a poet and a valiant warrior.

Samuel Coleridge- Taylor's "Deep River" and "From the Green Heart of the Water" were among the numbers given at a concert of sea pictures, at the Chicago Musical College late in October.

"Her Eyes Twin Pools," by Harry T. Burleigh, the words by James Johnson, was one of the novelties offered by Arthur Herschmann in his song recital on November 6th at Aeolian Hall, New York.

At a joint recital with Bauer, the eminent pianist, Paul Althouse sang Burleigh songs in an American group of representative compositions before the Woman's Club in Evanston, Illanois, on October 26th.

The Appomattox Club of Chicago lately gave a Coleridge- Taylor concert in Remembrance of the composer's birthday. An address was delivered by Dr. Charles E. Bentley. The musical program was arranged by Mr. Pedro Tinsley. The artists were Mrs. Willa M. Sloan, soprano; Mr. W. H. Hackley, Dr. W. Carver Williams, Mr. Harrison Emanuel, violinist, and Mr. T. Theodore Taylor, pianist. 

Mr. Clarence Cameron White closed his fall concert tour with a very successful recital given by the Euterpians at the Howard Theatre on November 6th, at Washington, D. C.

Mr. James Johnson's poem "The White Witch" is included in William Stanley Braithwaite's "Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1915," as one of the best poems of the year. It originally appeared in The Crisis for March, 1915. The Boston Transcript of November 30th says of Mr. Braithwaite: "He has helped poetry to readers as well as to poets. One is guilty of no extravagance in saying that the poets we have- and they may take their place with their peers in any country- and the gathering deference we pay them, are created largely out of stubborn, self-effacing enthusiasm of this one man. In a sense their distinction is his own. In a sense he has himself written their poetry. Very much by his toil they may write, and be read. Not one of them will ever write a finer poem than Braithwaite himself has lived already."

The African exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City has grown so large that it has been placed in a hall to itself. The recent Lang-Chapin expedition brought valuable additions from the Congo. The Africans excel in iron and wood work, in weaving artistic pile cloth and in making various types of musical instruments. Specimens of all these are in this collection.

The first American composter represented at the annual Christmas festival of the Madison, Wisconsin, Choral

Transcription Notes:
[[image]] is of stylized book cover. [[image]] in center of the cover page resembles a shell Last line is centered on bottom of the entire page.