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The Crisis [[image]] GIRLS OF DES MOINES, IOWA, IN THE "RAINBOW KIMONA" Charleston, South Carolina, for the first time in years. Margaret Burton, in her new book "Comrades in Service," devotes a chapter to Fannie Jackson Coppin. this book will be used in the mission study course of the Y.W.C.A. this year. Dr. Ira Landrith, a white Texan, is the first secretary to be appointed for the extension work lately undertaken by the Christian Endeavor Society. His work will be among the young colored people of the South. The National Independent Equal Rights League held its eighth annual meeting December 15-16 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This convention took place in "Freedom Centennial Week," as December 18th is the exact date of the enactment of the Thirteenth Amendment. A Woman Suffrage meeting was held in the First Presbyterian Church of Newark, New Jersey, under the auspices of the Women's Political Union. The Richmond Negro Welfare Association of Richmond, Virginia, held a tag day to get funds for the colored Hospital and Training School for Nurses, which it plans to establish in that city. "The Awakening of Hezekiah," a story of Negro political life, written by John E. Bruce, will be published shortly by The Saturday News of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. A fountain has been erected by the colored people of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at the entrance to the Twelfth Street Playground, to the memory of one of their race, Dr. William H. Jones. Thomas W. Fleming, a colored lawyer of Cleveland, Ohio, was elected a member of the City Council from the Eleventh Ward. Burrell Memorial Hospital, a new institution at Roanoke, Virginia, has received its charter from the State. It is well equipped and modern, and has a competent staff of colored physicians. The colored branches of the Young Men's Christian Association in Atlanta, Georgia, Brooklyn, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri, are each working hard for new buildings. The Hartford (Conn.) Courant, in a recent Sunday number, had pictures of fifteen distinguished colored residents of Hartford. On December 19th the fiftieth anniversary of Lewis Hayden, the colored abolitionist, was celebrated in Faneuil Hall, Boston. The Georgia Baptist, edited for an umber of years by the late Reverend W.J. White at Augusta, Georgia, is to be published again with Dr. C.T. Walker as editor. The alumni of Howard University Washington, D.C., residing in Panama and Central America, have formed an association among themselves for mutual help. Miss Eva G. Burleigh has been elected superintendent and Mrs. Lola Johnson Guerst matron of the Sojourner Truth House, a home for unfortunate girls in New York City. The Rhode Island Union of Colored Women's Clubs held their twelfth annual conference at Newport and heard among other the report of the Prison Committee. Nine colored girls, assisted by a number of other citizens, gave an entertainment for the N.A.A.C.P. in Des Moines, Iowa. It was called "The Rainbow Kimona," and attracted much attention. ALONG THE COLOR LINE 115 Funds are being solicited by the colored people of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the Lincoln Memorial, which will consist of a modern hospital and training school for nurses in the city, and a rural home for convalescents. These institutions will serve all the colored people of Pennsylvania. The first annual convention of the Pullman Porters' Benefit Association was held in the Pullman Building, Chicago, Illinois. The Employed and Volunteer Workers Among Colored Women in City Young Women's Christian Associations held a conference in Brooklyn, New York. "Jupiter Hammon," by Oscar Wegelin, is the first account of the life of an American Negro poet, who wrote ten years before Phyllis Wheatley, together with his writings. It is published by Heartman, New York City, and is uniform with his Phyllis Wheatley. EDUCATION A Teachers' Institute was held in Prince George County, Maryland. Dr. Lucy Moten, Principal of the Normal School, Washington, D.C., made an instructive address. Dr. John Lovejoy Elliott of the Ethical Culture Society was the principal speaker at one of a series of educational meetings at St. Mark's Lyceum, New York City. A special session of the Domestic Science School conducted by The Sentinel, a white newspaper of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, was held for the benefit of the colored school children. The colored teachers of Galveston, Texas, have held their first institute of the year. "Reading" was the subject for discussion. Miss Margaret Newlin of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has made bequests in her will to Hampton, Tuskegee, and to the William G. Edwards School at Snow Hill, Alabama. At the annual farmers' conference and exhibit held recently at Hampton Institute, visiting farmers and their wives told how they had triumphed over economic and social obstacles. Twelve pupils from the Mayer Industrial School at Knoxville, Tennessee, gave a demonstration, at a recent meeting of the Synod of Tennessee, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church of that city. The members of the church wish to spread information of the good work which the school is doing among colored people of Knoxville. Mohammed Yohari, an African youth, whom Colonel Theodore Roosevelt met in Africa on his hunting trip, came to him in New York recently and asked to be sent to school. Mr. Roosevelt sent him to Tuskegee. By a recent decision of the State Department of Education of Texas, graduates of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, who are citizens of Texas, may receive permanent teachers' certificates in that State. Horace Talbert, for many years secretary of Wilberforce University, Ohio, has resigned. William Haines, a colored boy from Nashville, has been elected to the debating team of the University of Chicago. The colored people of Greensboro, North Carolina, are making every effort to meet the requirements which will enable them to have a Carnegie Library. ECONOMICS THOMAS J. PILLOW is employed as demonstrator by the Western Motor Car Company of Los Angeles, California. Frank L. Gillespie has been placed in charge of a department for colored people which the Royal Life Insurance Company of Chicago, Illinois, has lately established. The Frederick Douglass Film Company has been organized in Jersey City, New Jersey, by a number of colored men. The Carnegie Library, just completed, at Camden, South Carolina, was erected by R.D. Belton & Son, colored contractors and builders. Twenty-three white men who worked in the block testing department of the