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and did much toward securing an appropriation of $259,000 for the school.

William Edward Scot has just finished a fine set of mural decorations at the new Burdsall section of the City Hospital in Indianapolis. 
There are about twenty-two panels in this ward and they range in size from five to forty feet wide and 300 figures are used. About ten colored models were used.
In the lobby the artist has used the beginning, Adam and Eve being driven out of the Garden of Eden. Across from this is represented Mary being told of the coming of the Christ Child. On three narrow panels in the same room are represented Moses, John, and Paul. In the main room are large panels representing the boyhood of Christ, the Three Wise Men (one of them black), and the Star in the East, the nativity, Christ in the arms of Simon, Christ in the carpenter shop, flight into Egypt and the largest and probably the best, Christ in the temple asking questions of the doctors. This panel, notwithstanding the silvery gray tone, is rich in color and the thirty or more doctors show wonderful character studies of Jewish types. A spot of sunlight falls upon the Christ figure and gives it an unusual effect of feeling.
Probably the next best panel in this room is Christ being blessed by Simon. In this picture Christ is shown in the arms of the old patriarch, and Mary and Joseph standing near with a cage of turtle doves which they have brought as an offering. The Christ figure was posed by Weir Steward, son of Dr. William Weir Stewart, a colored man. Mary, the mother, was posed by Miss Martin, supervising nurse at the hospital. 
In the corridors begins the preaching of Christ. First come two large panels representing "Suffer little children to come unto me," and "He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone." These two panels are about thirty feet long and contain about forty figures. In this room overlooking the sun porch, are panels representing Zaccheus in the tree, Sermon on the Mount, Christ before Pilate, Christ as He appeared to Mary after the crucifixion and Christ riding into Jerusalem on the ass. These are all large panels and carried out in the same color scheme as the others.
[[two photographs below text]]
[[left photograph]] M. JUSTIN ELIE
[[right photograph]] DR. P.E. JONES AND HIS SONS


Up about fifteen feet from the floor in the main room are two forty-foot panels representing the women of the Old and the New testament.
Scott has worked on this ward about five months and considers it the best bit of mural painting he has ever done.
Mr. Scott was born in Indianapolis in 1884 and trained in the public schools and Chicago Art Institute. By the winning of prizes and saving he was enabled to study in Paris with Mr. Henry O. Tanner and others. He succeeded in having a picture "hung on the line" in the great Paris spring Salon. This was purchased by the Argentine Republic. He has since sold a number of pictures and taken prizes. He hopes to do for the Negro in painting what Dunbar has done in verse.
We may note in passing the rise of W. M. Farrow, another young colored artist who announces two excellent reproductions for sale. 

Thomas B. McKeel was born in New York City in 1839 and died in 1915. He went into business in 1862 and in 1865 became a clerk in the Freedmen Hospital, Savannah, Georgia. Later he entered the fire insurance business in New York City and acted as agent for about forty years. He was especially well-known at St. Philip's P. E. Church.

Mr. Roy W. Tibbs, Professor of Pianoforte at Howard University is an example of successful achievement, through hard work. He was born in Ohio, educated in Kentucky and at Fisk University and Oberlin College.
Mr. Tibbs trained and directed the chorus of two hundred voices, which was so notable a feature of the Pageant recently given in Washington, D. C. 

[[Drawing and notation at bottom half of page]]
[[left side notation]]An interesting picture of Ira Aldridge, recently produced in the International Studio. He is represented with his friend Shevchenko to "Poet of the Ukraine."
[[right side drawing]] two gentlemen, with both holding papers. Man on left is Aldridge, man on right is Shevchenko.

Transcription Notes:
William Edward Scott later changed his name to WIlliam Edouard Scott.