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seen parts of it at various times and our experts know it to be a fantastic collection.

 Mr. Brown said that other museums would be envious of anyone acquiring this collection.

Dr. Greenewalt commented that even if the construction of a gallery cost five million dollars, it would still be reasonable cost, especially in the interest of making this Capital a cultural center of the United States.

(An excerpt from Who's Who follows:

Hirshhorn, Joseph H., mining co. exec.; b. 1900. A financier program that uncovered large uranium deposit in Blind River area Can., 1953; major stockholder Galena Silver and Lead Mine in Ida., also Pinnacle Explorations, Inc. and Bunker Hill Co.; dir. Callahan Mining Corp., 1955-, chmn. bd., 1963-. Address: 100 Park Av., N.Y.C. 17.)

Senator Anderson was assured that much of the collection has been seen and appreciated, that Mr. Hirshhorn has discriminating taste, and that he has had counsel from a respected curator, Mr. Lerner.

Senator Saltonstall suggested that the proposed endowment be stressed. The consensus, however, favored negotiating for the gift of the collection unencumbered by an emphasis on an endowment.

On motion by Senator Anderson, and seconded by Mr. Brown, it was

VOTED: That the Secretary is authorized to discuss the potential gift of a collection of works of art and sculpture with Mr. Hirshhorn. Subject to the acceptance by the President of the gift of the collection, the Secretary is further authorized to submit proposed legislation to designate the Mall site for a sculpture garden and gallery for the Hirshhorn collection and to authorize planning.