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Mr. Ripley mentioned that the Hirshhorn Agreement was patterned somewhat on the Freer and Mellon agreements; that the Board of Trustees to be set up resembled other advisory boards and commissions in the Smithsonian such as the Smithsonian Art Commission and the National Portrait Gallery Commission; and the agreement is binding on Mr. Hirshhorn's heirs and executors. 

At the conclusion of this discussion, Senator Saltonstall made the following motion, which was seconded by Mr. Haskins and carried

VOTED that the Board of Regents commends the Secretary for consummating its directive of January 27, 1966. The Board ratifies and confirms the agreement entered into on this date, May 17, 1966, between Joseph H. Hirshhorn, The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Foundation, Incorporated, and the Smithsonian Institution. 


Mr. Fleming requested the Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries to withdraw from the meeting and the Regents then discussed the Pension Plan for the Secretary and Assistant Secretaries. 

After consideration of the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the abilities of Messrs. Ripley, Bradley, and Galler; and in order to update the present pension agreement, on motion by Senator Saltonstall, seconded and carried, it was 

VOTED that the Pension Plan recommended by the Executive Committee for the Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries as outlined in the Executive Committee's report is approved by the Board of Regents. The costs are to be borne by the unrestricted funds of the Institution. 


On motion duly enacted and carried the following resolution was approved.