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On motion by Mr. Fleming, seconded by the Vice President and carried unanimously, it was

VOTED that it is the judgment of the Board of Regents that the proposal for the Animal Hospital and Research Complex is sound.  The Board therefore directs that construction at the National Zoological Park proceed as planned.  The Secretary is authorized to inform all interested persons of the decision of the Board of Regents.


A)  Symposia

Mr. Ripley reported that the second in our series of scholarly symposia was held in February of this year.  The Institution was host to an international symposium on "The Quality of Man's Environment."  The Right Honorable Miss Jennie Lee, Minister of State for Education and Science in the British Government, acted as Chairman of the Symposium.  The Chancellor and the Vice President presided at official functions.  Senator Scott, Dr. Burden, and Dr. Haskins served as Chairman for portions of the program.  The expenses of the Symposium were largely met by a grant from the Ford Foundation.  We plan to publish these excellent addresses as Volume II in our series of annual volumes of scholarly publications.  The Symposium seemed to have been a great success.

For the future, it is proposed to convene the third international symposium, if appropriate funding can be obtained.  This would consider the scientific study of animal behavior and its bearing upon man's understanding of his own society, a current subject of enormous interest.  Both Dr. Konrad Lorenz's "On Aggression" and Robert Ardrey's "The Territorial Imperative" have aroused tremendous international interests.  We feel this subject is germane to the Smithsonian's research.  Perhaps the next one after that would consider the nature of life itself.