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[[3 columned table]]
|Existing Zoo Rank And Salary|Comparable Park Police Rank and Salary|Proposed Salary H. R. 7195, et al.|
|Captain   $7,348|Lieutenant $10,710|$8,821|
|Lieutenant 6,734|Sergeant     8,975| 8,054|
|Sergeant   6,137|Detective    8,690| 7,348|
|Private    5,565|Private      6,700| 6,734|

After discussion, the Board of Regents decided to continue to support a salary level for the Zoological Park Police force commensurate with the Park Police.

Kennedy Center - Watergate Legislation

The Smithsonian was requested by the House Committee on Public Works to comment on H. R. 13412 and H. R. 13778, bills to amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act. These bills do not directly affect the Smithsonian Institution, but because they involve a nominal bureau of the Smithsonian, our views were solicited. 

On motion by Mr. Greenewalt, and seconded by Senator Anderson, and carried, it was

VOTED that the Secretary be instructed to transmit a report to the concerned Congressional Committees stating that the Board of Regents has taken no position on this legislation, since the Institution is not directly affected.

National Gallery of Art - Proposed Construction of Building

The Bureau of the Budget requested comments on a legislative proposal to authorize the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art to construct a building on a Mall site reserved for a future addition to the Gallery. 

On motion by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Hunsaker, and carried, it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents wholeheartedly approves this proposed legislation and the Secretary is directed to inform the Bureau of the Budget accordingly.