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tion plants of Great Britain and that without them the plants would be unable to cope with their work.

Richard Lonsdale Brown was given an exhibition of paintings in Washington at the residence of Mrs. Carrie W. Clifford.

The colored railway mail clerks of Chicago have formed an organization to affiliate with National Postal Alliance.

Park Facilities for colored people are to be furnished in El Paso, Texas, and Lexington, Ky.

It is reported that Mrs. Hattie L. Matlock, of Cleveland, Ohio, has won five cash prizes offered by daily papers of that city for essays on economics and household hits.  She also won third prize last fall at the Cleveland Flower and Garden Show.

Robert Gould Shaw House, the Boston Settlement reports total receipts last year of $4,975.

The Mu-so-lit Club of Washington, D. C., entertained the Hon. Henry B. F. Macfarland, former Chairman of the Board of Commissioners at a recent meeting to discuss the fiscal affairs of the District.

The Phalanx Club of Chicago has a membership of 261 person.  It is organized for social uplift.

Dr. Charles W. Kerr, a colored man, has put the dental department of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Boston out of business.  The college was offering degrees which it had no right to confer.  Dr. Kerr sued them and was awarded damages. 

John Oneley, a 17 year old colored driver of Brenham, Texas, saved the life of a white driver by stopping a runaway team. 

A MASS meeting was help in Brooklyn to protest against the outrageous aspersions upon the the colored race made by Prof. William S. Meyers, of Princeton, M. J.  Meyers now says that he was partially misquoted. 

Health Week was observed largely by colored people throughout the country. In Baltimore three days' sessions of crowded meetings were help.  At Richmond, Va., and at Hampton there were large meetings.

At a recent dinner of the Socialist Press Club of New York City, race prejudice and socialism was discussed before 500 diners.  Among the speakers were Prof. Jacques Loeb, of the Rockefeller Institute, Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, Prof. Franz Boaz, of Columbia University, Dr. Robert H. Lowie, of the Museum of Natural History and Henrietta Szold.

The colored masons of Florida held their forty-fifth annual communication at Jacksonville.  They had a large attendance. 

The second annual educational congress was help at the Allen A. M. E Church in Tacoma, Washington.

The Southern Sociological Congress will hold its fourth annual session in Houston, Texas, May 8th to 11th.  The general subject will be the conservation of health and one of the departments will be "Health and Race Relations." There will be about 60 speakers including several colored men.  For information address, The Southern Sociological Congress, 323-6th Avenue, N., Nashville, Tenn.

The John Adams Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution help a meeting at the Hotel Brunswick recently.  The work of Atlanta University was presented by a daughter of the founder. Musical selections were given by Mr. William H. Richardson, baritone and Mrs. Maud Cuney Hare, pianist. 

It is reported that the South Carolina Legislature has passed a compulsory education law to go into effect July 1st. It has, however, a number of loopholes which will make it only partially applicable to colored children. 

Charles H. Houston, a colored senior of Amherst College, has been elected to the Phi Beta Kappa.

Gammon Theological Seminary has a new dining hall.

State teachers' associations have met in Louisville, Ky., Nashville, Tenn., and Montgomery, Ala.

Dr. C. A. Smith, Professor of English in the University of Virginia, recently


addressed one of the literary societies of Hampton Institute.

The students of Hartshorn Memorial College have been celebrating the birthday of Miss Carrie B. Dyer who has been a teacher there for more than 30 years.

In Little Rock, Ark., a portrait of Mrs. Charlotte E. Stephens has been unveiled in the Stephens School which is named after her.  She has served more than 40 years in the city public schools.

In a recent content for ten pathescope moving picture machines offered by The Washington Post, the William Lloyd Garrison School (colored) stood seventh with a total vote of 396,590.

The first school bank in the United States to be operated by students in colored schools was opened at the Armstrong Manual Training School after the Easter recess.  A president, cashier and board of directors were elected.

Colored teaches will replace white teachers in the Richmond, Va., colored high school.

Mr. Ricard R. Wright reports that the ignorance in the Mississippi Delta is appalling among Negroes, reaching in some counties 75 per cent. of illiteracy. Teachers are poorly prepared and receive not more than $18 or $25 a month.

A colored supervisor of elementary colored schools is proposed by a bill offered in the Tennessee Legislature.

The Virginia Colored Teachers' Association reports that $42,000 has been raised by colored people for their schools outside of regular taxes.

MRS. LEAH JONES who died recently in Little Rock, Ark., has left $1,600 for colored missions.  She was a colored member of the Lutheran church.

Mr Caesar Simmons has been appointed postmaster for Boley, Oklahoma.

It is reported that Sanders Cooper, a colored man of Philadelphia, has been appointed official trumpeter of the San Francisco Exposition.

Miss Lydia Barksdale, a colored graduate nurse of the Provident Hospital, Chicago, is serving in the European war.  She was charge of a number of white nurses.

W. B. Paterson, for 40 years head of State Normal School for teachers, at Montgomery, Ala., died recently in his 67th year.  He was a Scotchman by birth.

Dr. Booker T. Washington made a tour through the state of Louisiana during the month of April speaking at various places.

The General Assembly of Illinois adjourned out of respect of the memory of the late Major John C. Buckner, a former colored member.

Mrs Carrie Langston, widow of the late John Mercer Langston, died recently in Washington at the age of 83.

Dr C. T. Nichol, a colored dentist of Chicago, has recently been appointed dental inspector in the colored schools.

S. H. Hart, Jr., was admitted to the Bar of Jacksonville, Fla., standing at the head of 26 applicants.

Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley of Pittsburgh, Pa., celebrated her 86th birthday recently.  She is the mother of nine children and reads without glasses.

Frederick D. McCracken, secretary to Congressman Stephens, loses his position on account of the defeat of the Congressman in the last election.  He was the only colored man holding such a position.

The Rev. Preston Taylor has subscribed $1,000 to the colored Y. M. C. A., Nashville, Tenn.

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