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Where Your Money Goes
When you pay your life insurance premium have you ever thought about where is goes or what it does? Few of us have ever had the technical knowledge to understand how an insurance premium is computed. Not everybody knows that the net premium of EVERY legal reserve life insurance company is based on the same figures. Your premium is divided into three parts:
(1) Reserve, to take care of future liabilities;
(2) Mortality, to take care of present death claims and
(3) Loading, to provide for the expenses of conducting the business such as agent's commissions, medical examination, clerk hire, printing, salaries, rent, etc.

STANDARD LIFE is the only legal reserve life insurance company that gives back to the race 100% of every dollar it pays. Do you get my point? In other companies, your premium, subdivided as above, returns to you only TWO ways, namely, RESERVE and MORTALITY. In STANDARD LIFE you get the same protection under a reserve system identical with every other legal reserve company; you get prompt payment of claims, and you get the LOADING in practically every dollar we spend in conducting this business goes back into the pockets of the race. There are at presently nearly one hundred people earning all or part of their subsistence from their work with STANDARD LIFE to whom in 1914 we paid salaries and commissions more than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars. To nearly one hundred and fifty colored physicians we paid over Eight Thousand Dollars for medical examination fees. We paid in death claims nearly Nine Thousand Dollars the day the claims were filed. Almost all of our printing is done by colored printers; we buy our office supplies from a colored stationer; our branch offices are rented from colored landlords; our money is largely deposited in six strong and well managed colored banks; in fact, we are seeking to build up a solid and substantial progressive race enterprise, and while doing it we are trying to lift as we climb and help to build others with us. We are today turning more money back into the hands of the race than any similar organization in existence.

Does this program appeal to you? Do you want to help develop a strong financial institution that is organized, operated and conducted on scientific principles and along lines that have made Millions for white people, and that has for its object the financial emancipation of the race? Do you want to encourage an institution that, if properly supported, can within the next five years absorb into its active service almost every capable young man and woman of the race at salaries they can get nowhere else? Do you want safety first--the absolute protectoin of your loved ones under a contract of insurance backed by the same amount of bonds deposited by the biggest white companies for your protection? Do you want to do your duty to your family, to your children, and your children's children? If you can answer these four questions in the affirmative, then we appeal to you for your support. We say to you it is your duty to show by your works the truth that is in you and no matter where you live to carry a policy of some size, from $250.00 to $5,000.00 in STANDARD LIFE. Now don't delay, but write us while the spirit is on you, and don't stop until the policy is in your hands.

200 Auburn Avenue, ATLANTA, GEORGIA
Capital Fully Paid - - $100,000.00
Over One Million and a Half Insurance in Force
Issues Policies from $250.00 to $5,000.00

HEMAN E. PERRY, President
HARRY H. PACE, Secretary

Please send me particulars about insurance.
Amount $ [[blank line]]
Sex [[blank line]]
Age [[blank line]]
Weight [[blank line]]
Occupation [[blank line]]
Name [[blank line]]
Address [[blank line]]
(C. Nov., 1915)



Atlanta University
Studies of Negro Problems
18 Monographs     Sold Separately

The Curse of Race Prejudice
by James F. Morton, Jr., A. M.
An aggressive exposure by an Anglo-Saxon champion of equal rights. Startling facts and crushing arguments. Fascinating reading. A necessity for clear understanding and up-to-date propaganda. Belongs in the library of every friend of social justice. Price 25 cents. Send order to 
James F. Morton, Jr.
211 West 138th Street New York, N. Y. 

Ten Poems by 
Effie T. Battle, A.M.
"Mrs. Battle has an individual gift of melody"
-Springfield Republican.
"You owe it to your race to publish your poems in book form." -Editor, Southwestern Christian Advocate.
"Verses are smooth, graceful, high-minded and clear, reverent to all truth, appreciative of all beauty and true inspiration."-George W. Cable.

$25.00 PER WEEK
may be made in commissions by parties handling "History of Negro Soldiers in Spanish-American War" combined with "History of the Negro Race." 400 pages, 50 illustrations. Price $1.25 net.
Address: E. A. JOHNSON
154 Nassau Street NEW YORK

The Negro in American History by JOHN W. CROMWELL
Secretary American Negro Academy
196 pp., 35 chapters, 17 full page illustrations, full index and bibliography
Price $1.25; by mail, $1.40
Liberal commission to agents. Address:
1439 Swann Street Washington, D. C.

WANTED: position as stenographer by young man with excellent reference. Willing, painstaking; moderate salary. "H. F. V." R. F. D. 6, Box 25-A, Taylor, Texas.

Something New! Startling!
Who Will Receive The Largest Mail
The Most Opportunities of Agencies, Positions; Be Your Own Boss; Offers Mail Order Propositions, etc. IN YOUR TOWN
The Buy Sell and Exchange
Directory goes to thousands of manufacturers, dealers, mail order me, publishers, who will send you FREE samples of magazines, papers, propositions, catalogues, packages, circulars, etc., etc.
You Will Get a Wonderful Mail!
5,000,000 More Names Wanted at Once!
Send 25c. to help pay the cost of stereotyping your name and address, which will be inserted and you will receive all of above with very valuable information worth hundreds of dollars and a FREE copy of "Buy, Sell & Exchange," containing you name.
Business is Better; Get Your Share of the Good Things. Address,
The Magazine That Interests Everybody.
Dept. 70-H. P.O. Box 5240, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
Ad Rates 3c per word. "Thousands Read it"

"Tone-Placing and Voice Development"
With Supplementary Co-ordinating with Original Chapters.
Any one desiring a vocal course at minimum cost, this book supplies a long felt want. Points explained, viz.: Breath in singing, position when practising or singing, parts of the vocal apparatus, how to practice, good rules for singing. Endorsed by well known professional people, musical publications and critics.
Price $1.00
Address, Publisher, Pedro T. Tinsely, 6448 Drexel Ave.,
Chicago, Ill. or Claton F. Summy, 64 E. Van Buren St., or Lyon & Healy, Adams and Wabash Aves., Chicago, Ill.

A New book, fully illustrated, nearly 400 pages by 
Superintendent Battle Creek Sanitarium
Describes causes and results of chronic constipation and new and successful methods of home treatment. Any reader of this magazine may, by sending $2, secure the book for examination with privilege of return in two days for refund. Send order to--GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING Co., 9411 W. Main St., Battle Creek Michigan.

(George Young)
Novel Souvenir Post Cards
Colored Authors and Books on Race Problems a Specialty.
 135 W. 135th Street New York City