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Attention, Masons!

A New Book of Interest to You

Prince Hall and His Followers

A carefully argued defense of the legitimacy of the Negro Masonry in the United States, with notes and documents, by

A graduate of Tuskegee, Talladega and Yale, formerly clerk of the Probate Court of New Haven and now a practicing lawyer there.  Mr Crawford is one of the best informed Masons in the country.


From James F. Rikards, 33° , Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, A. & A. Scottish Rite:

"'Prince Hall and His Followers,' written by a scholarly Afro-American, presents to the Masonic world a treatise on the legitimacy of the Negro Masonry that should be in the hands of every Mason seeking for Truth.  The information contained in the chapter devoted to Prince Hall is alone worth to the young Mason the price of the book.  Brother Crawford's easy and pleasing style creates in the reader a desire to complete the volume before putting the book out of his hands."

From Henry A. Spencer, 33°, Grand Master and Grand Commander of Knights Templar of New York:
"The book fills a long-felt want among intelligent Masons of our Race.  To know that we are right, and to substantiate that fact by intelligent research and logical statements, is worth more to us than what the other fellow may say.   This is what Brother Crawford's book does; and it should be in the hands of every Mason of our Race."

From Jose H. Sherwood, 33°, Past Grand Master of Minnesota and Deputy Imperial Potentate of Shriners:
"A very strong brief, setting forth plainly the legitimacy of Prince Hall Masonry, and, as well, a stern call to all Negroes to assume full pride in the happy possession of a Rite which can show such clear proofs of its contentions."

From William H. Grimshaw, 33°, Past Grand Master of the District of Columbia and author of "A History of Colored Freemasonry":
"I have read with great pleasure 'Prince Hall and His Followers.'  The book is well written, containing clear and convincing diction.  The impartial accuracy with which the facts are marshalled makes the book a very valuable asset to Masons."


ORDER NOW.           


70 Fifth Avenue New York
