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  Points explained, viz.: Breath in Singing, Trying the Voice, the Soprano, the Mezzo-Soprano the Contralto, Tenor Leggiero or High tenor, the Baritone, the Bass, Parts of the vocal Apparatus, the Mouth, the Tongue, Position when Practising, Position when Singing, How to Practice, Good Rules for Singing. 
  Comment from conductor of the Paulist Choristers, the celebrated choral society which received the first prize awarded at the International Singing Contest held in Paris on May, 25, 1912:

"Dear Mr. Tinsley:
  "I take great pleasure in commending  your very  useful  and succinctly written book on 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development.' Your own appreciation of the psychology of singing and the fundamental principles of the art you have cleverly reduced to a simple system.       Cordially yours, 
                 "Father WILLIAM J. FINN, C. S. P.,
           Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago."

   From "Musical Courier," N. U.: "A very practical little book is 'Tone-Placing and voice-Development,'by Pedro T. Tinsley. It contains some very excellent material and vocal exercises, and should be in the hands of all vocal students."
  From "Music News," Chicago, I11.: "Accordingly his 'Practical Method of Singing' is a most concise and practical little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises. It cannot fail  to be helpful to all ambitious vocal students."
                 HELPED HIM GREATLY
  "Since  I practised your exercises of "Tone-Placing and Voice-Development' my voice is more resonant than it has been for years.  It seems to me that I am getting a new voice." Prof. John T. Layton, Director Coleridge-Taylor Musical Society, 1722 10th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 
                    PRICE $1.00
Address the publisher: Pedro T. Tinsley, 6448 Drexel Ave., Chicago Ill.; or Clayton F. Summy, 64 E. Van Buren St., or Lyon & Healy, Adams and Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

  Through us school authorities, without expense or delay, get into communication with the strongest and most carefully investigated teachers in all lines. 
  Teachers who seek positions or advancement should register with us and avail themselves of our expert service. Prompt and courteous attention to correspondence. 
               B. F. BOWLES, Manager, 
2739 CONVERSE AVENUE          East St. Louis, ILL
       Agents for THE CRISIS. Dignified work. 
            70 Fifth Avenue, New York.
                E. ALDAMA JACKSON
  Graduate Institute of Musical Art, Organist and 
     Director of Music St. Mark's M. E. Church
            Teacher of Theory of Piano
   Theory course embraces elementary and advanced 
             Harmony or Counterpoint. 
              Private or Class Work
     Studio: 30 W. 132d STREET, NEW YORK CITY

           The Poems of Phillis Wheatley
        the early Negro poetess collected by
            RICHARD R. WRIGHT, JR., and 
                 Price, One Dollar
                    THE CRISIS
70 Fifth Avenue                            New York

                   Ten poems by
              EFFIE T. BATTLE, A.M.
  "Mrs. Battle has an individual gift of melody."
                         - Springfield Republican. 
  "You owe it to your race to publish your poems in book form." - Editor, Southwestern Christian Advocate. 
  "Verses are smooth, graceful, high-minded and clear, reverent to all t ruth, appreciative of all beauty  and true inspirations." -George W. Cable. 
                  PRICE 25 CENTS
                  Okolona, Miss. 

  We produce the finest enlargements ever made at reasonable prices, dealing directly witht he consumer. Our original patented process brings out a lifelike fashion all the shades and tints of colored people. Write us today. We guarantee return of original pictures. Frames at factory prices. 
                    DEPARTMENT K
3548 Vernon Avenue                    Chicago, Ill.

                   $25.00 PER WEEK
may be made in commissions by parties handling "History of Negro Soldiers n Spanish-American War" combined with "History of the Negro Race." 400 pages, 50 illustrations. Price $1.25 net. 
Address: E. A. JOHNSON
154 Nassau Street                          New York

               What Salary Do You Earn?
  If you are making less than $3.00 per day, we can help you to make more. Our agents average from $3.00 to $10.00 per day easily, and you can do the same. Pleasant dignified employment for men or women, boys or girls. We want one agent in every town. Be a step ahead of the crowd and write us today for free information. 
3548 VERNON AVENUE    Department K    Chicago, ILL.

                     THE CRISIS
Vol. 9- No. 5        March, 1915       Whole No. 53
THE Drama Committee of the N.A.A.C.P. authorized by  the national body for the purpose of studying ways and means of utilizing the stage in the service of our cause, has been at work for several weeks. The committee is anxious to have race plays submitted for examination. Manuscripts should be typewritten, or, if not typewritten, submitted in legible handwriting, should be fully postpaid, and should contain the name and address of the sender. To avoid the embarrassment of a possible loss in transmission, authors are urged to keep a copy of manuscripts submitted. Address all communications to teh Chairman, Mrs. L.B. Glenn, 941 S. St., N. W., Washington, D.C.
Mr. H. T. Burleigh's recently published sacred song, "His Word Is Love," is spoken of with facor in ladig music journals. Of one of the two short songs, the words by W. R. Henley, Musical America says: "Here Mr. Burleigh is writing seriously and when he does that, he is always interesting. One can recall nothing that he has done recently that is pure and fine as his 'Bring her Again to Me,' in which he seems to have caught completely the spirit of Henley's lovely poem."

Ricordi & Co. announce a new song, "Mem'ries of Violets," by J. Rosamond Johnson. 

At the third of the "Chansons en Crinoline," given at the Plaza Hotel, New York, in January, a special feature was called "The Story of a Cotton Gown." Mme. Frances Alda, the Metropolitan Opera soprano, sang Southern melodies and Mr. Harry T. Burleigh, baritone, with a quintet of colored singers sang Afro-American folk songs. 

At Dayton, Ohio., Miss Kitty Cheatham gave an interesting talk to 1,000 young women employed at the National Cash Register Co. 

In appreciation of Miss Cheatham's enthusiastic espousal of the preservation of Negro melodies, a quartet of colored singers were engaged to sing folk-songs. the sining did not meet with the approval of Miss Cheatham, and to the amusement of the audience, she came to the stage and proceeded to direct them. 

At the Victoria Theater, at her regular recital, Miss Cheatham paid a glowing tribute to the late Paul Laurence Dunbar, and read his "When Malindy Sings."

Os-Ke-Non-ton, the Mohawk Indian Chief, who is said to have a find voice which is not being trained fro  the concert stage, made his debut in New York City at the "Tree of Light." The music journals spoke appreciatingly of his appearance. 

At the Musicale given at Hempstead, L. I. on Jan. 12th, by pupils of Miss Fay Foster, a teacher of New York City, songs by Coleridge Taylor were presented on the program. At the Ford Hall Meeting of Jan. 17, at Boston, Mass., for which Rev. John Haynes Holmes of New York was the