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The Agricultural and Mechanical College
   Maintained by the governments of North Carolina and of the United States.  Open all the year round.  For males only. Fall term began September 1, 1914. Board, lodging and tuition, $7 per month. Best opportunites for Negro youth. Night school for indigent but ambitious young men. For catalog or further information, address
A. & M. College    Greensboro, N.C.

which has for its object the training of the head, hand and heart of our youth thus fitting them for the practical requirements of every day life.

Fall Term and Sixteenth Year Opens Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1914
                Day and Night Sessions
Four Departments - Domestic Art, Domestic Science, Industrial Arts, Academic and Musical. Experienced and competent teachers in charge. Comfortable dormitory facilities for both girls and boys on the premises. Non-resident students are required to board in the dormitories. A well equipped gymnasium for students. An improved Literary Course for Day Students. Age, sex or previous training no bar to entrance if the applicant has a good character. Printing, Plumbing, Upholstery and Woodworking, special trades for boys. Helpfulness our Object. Efficiency our Aim. Write now.
MATTHEW ANDERSON, Principal, South College Ave., Philadelphia

  Points explained, viz.: Breath in Singing, Trying the Voice, the Soprano, the Mezzo-Soprano, the Contralto, Tenor Leggiero or High Tenor, the Baritone, the Bass, Parts of the Vocal Apparatus, the Mouth, the Tongue, Position when Practising, Position when Singing, How to Practice, Good Rules for Singing. 
  Comment from the conductor of the Paulist Choristers, the celebrated choral society which received the first prize awarded at the International Singing Contest held in Paris on May 25, 1912:
"Dear Mr. Tinsley:
  "I take great pleasure in commending your very useful and succinctly written book on 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development.' Your own appreciation of the psychology of singing and the fundamental principles of the art you have cleverly reduced to a simple system. Cordially yours,
"Father WILLIAM J. FINN, C.S.P., Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago."
  From "Musical Courier," N.Y.: "A very practical little book is 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development,' by Pedro T. Tinsley. It contains some very excellent material and vocal exercises, and should be in the hands of all vocal students."
  From "Music News," Chicago, Ill.: "Accordingly his 'Practical Method of Singing' is a most concise and practical little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises. It cannot fail to be helpful to all ambitious vocal students."
  "Since I practised your exercises of 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development' my voice is more resonant than it has been for years. It seems to me that I am getting a new voice." Prof. John T. Layton, Director Coleridge-Taylor Musical Society, 1722 10th St., N. W., Washington, D.C.
PRICE $1.00
Address the publisher: Pedro T. Tinsley, 6448 Drexel Ave., Chicago, Ill.; or Clayton F. Summy, 64 E. Van Buren St., or Lyon & Healy, Adams and Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

 An Episcopal boarding and day school for girls, under direction of the Sisters of St. Mary. Address:
611 N. 43d St.    W. Philadelphia, Pa.

[[image of a woman to the left of text]]WM Farrow - 1913
(Trade Mark)
                "A MOTHER'S LOVE"
is the title of one of our five new Negro pictures, just off the press. It portrays a beautiful young colored mother fondling her sturdy babe. Painted in 12 colors it is rich and elegant and every home should have a copy hanging on its wall. Write us for description of our new pictures and terms to agents. For 15 cents in stamps we will send a sample copy of "A JOYFUL WELCOME INTO HEAVEN", the picture which our agents have sold 25,000 copies of during the past few months.
             The Douglas Specialties Co.
                    Department K
        3548 Vernon Avenue, :: Chicago, Ill.
        THE CRISIS
Vol. 8-No. 6        OCTOBER, 1914     Whole No. 48
[[image of baby]]

COLORED people living in the vicinity of East 37th Street and Forest Avenue, Chicago, appealed to the Mayor and prevented the opening of a saloon in that neighborhood.
 Of the party of thirty-five boy scouts who left New York to walk to Boston recently, only two reached Boston; one was Meredith Johnson, a colored boy, and the other was Fred Monson, a white boy.
 Congress has appropriated $55,000 for a Negro exposition to be held in Richmond, Va.
 A training school for delinquent colored youths has been established in Harris County, Texas.
 The corner stone has been laid fo the Lamberts Point Hospital for colored people in Norfolk, Va. The hospital will be at the service of the colored physicians of Norfolk.
 Through the efforts of John M. Royall, a colored real estate dealer in New York City, two large plots of ground have been secured in the Harlem district for playgrounds for the colored children.
 The white business league of Montgomery, Ala., asked the colored league of that place to select a delegate to go with the committee of white men to Washington, D.C., to confer with officials concerning appropriations for waterways and the marketing of the cotton crop. Dr. W.F. Watkins was chosen.
 Howard Drew, the colored sprinter, received an offer of $4,000 to run one race in England as a professional. Drew has refused the offer, however, and says that he will remain permanently in the amateur ranks.
 Extensive welfare work among colored girls in Philadelphia is being carried on as a result of the beginning made by Miss A. L. Richardson, school visitor for the Armstrong Association. Miss Richardson established "little mother" classes which were attended largely by girls ranging from twelve to fifteen years of age. Instruction was given in caring for babies, in preparing food and in sex and personal hygiene. A certificate is given at the end of the course which enhances the value of those who go out as children's nurses. 
 Dr. Arthur Butler and his wife Dr. Isabella M. Garnett, colored physicians of Evanston, Ill., have opened a sanitarium in that place for the purpose of treating acute diseases. Graduate nurses and two physicians are always in attendance.
 Neal Withers, a colored man, was out hunting with his dogs in Newman's woods, near Columbia, S. C., when one of the dogs scented a bag. When unearthed the bag was found to contain jewels and was identified as a mail pouch taken from a train held up near Columbia on March 28.
 The Ethical Culture Society, an organization of young people in Indianapolis, Ind.,

Transcription Notes:
Artist signature at bottom left appears to be William McKnight Farrow, aka WM Farrow, b1885-d1967. Please see artist signature similarities: