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268      The CRISIS

[[three photographs of babies labeled with the names of States]]

[[image - California]]

[[image - Missouri]]

[[image - Massachusetts]]

contributes to the Y. M. C. A. fund, the Fresh Air Missions and schools in all parts of the county.

An exposition for the celebration of a half-century of Negro Freedom will be held in Chicago during the month of August, 1915. Exhibits will be shown in the departments of Industry, Liberal Arts, Professions, Education, Sociology and miscellaneous departments. A series of congresses will be held.

The Excelsior Public Library for colored people, which was established five years ago by a colored woman in Guthrie, Okla., reports for the past year 18,200 visitors and 7,906 books loaned. The colored population of Guthrie is only 3,000.

The Park Sanitarium and Bath House for colored patients has been established in Guthrie.


THROUGH the efforts of the Superintendent of Education of New Iberia, La., a school tax has been laid and the colored children of that parish will have nine months of school.

Miss Hallie E. Queen, a colored member of the faculty of Howard University, who has acquired proficiency in the Spanish tongue by several years' residence and teaching in Porto Rico, is frequently called upon by the Latin-American Legations for translations and interpretations of consular and diplomatic intercourse.

It is said that thirty per cent of. the United States' agricultural appropriation of $300,000 made to Alabama will go to Negro schools. A committee has recommended that fifteen per cent. be given to Tuskegee Institute and that fifteen per cent. be divided among the other colored agricultural schools of the state.

J. E. Kwegyir Aggrey, a native African, who holds a position in Livingstone College, Salisbury, N. C., wrote a poem in Latin while attending the summer school at Columbia University. This was published on the editorial page of the Columbia Student and received much favorable mention. 

The Citizens Union, a colored organization, rendered the program at the Richmond (Ind.) Chautauqua on August 18. Dr. A. J. Carey of Chicago and the Rev. F. M. Ovelton of Grand Rapids, Mich., delivered the main addresses. A quintent of colored singers sang folk-songs. 

Miss Henrietta B. French, a colored kindergarten worker who for the past three years has been Visitor for the Negro Fresh Air Committee, was the organizer of the kindergartens in Chattanooga and Richmond recently established by the National Kindergarten Association. Miss French has also taught in these kindergartens. She will return to Richmond this fall at the request of the Board of Education.


PAUL LAWRENCE DUNBAR's "On the Road," a dialect poem of sentiment, has been recently set to music by Mark Andrews, an American song writer.

A new song of characteristic Negro effect is "Bes' of All," a crooning song by Walter Kramer.

"Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," by S. Coleridge-Taylor was included in the program presented at Bar Harbor, Maine, at the concert given by the Bar Harbor Choral Society on August 27. The chorus consisted of 

[[image: photo of African American baby, captioned "ONE OF MANHATTAN's "FINEST"]]