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272                THE CRISIS

[[3 images with one young girl in each photo with the following captions under each, respectively]]


fender. He made his own blue prints and models.

¶ Mr. George H. Anderson, of Vancouver, B. C., is the secretary and the only colored member of the British Columbia Association of Stationary Engineers. He edits the monthly mechanical journal published by the Association.

¶ It was erroneously in the September CRISIS that Mr. Alexander L. Jackson of Harvard would be one of the Fellows during the next year of the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes. Mr. J. H. Robinson, M. A., 1914, from Yale, will hold this place.

¶ Dr. John P. Turner, a colored physician of Philadelphia, will address the International Congress of Home Education, which meets in Philadelphia September 22-29. Dr. Turner, who is the first colored physician who has been asked to speak before this congress, has also been appointed as one of the committee of seven censors to review and pass on all papers read before the American Open Air School Association.

¶ Isaac Fisher, a colored man, now connected with Tuskegee Institute, won the first prize of $500 offered by Everybody's Magazine for the best essay on "What We have Learned about Rum, or Rum and Its Enemies."

¶ Mr. Clement Johnson, a young colored man, was graduated from the Salem (Ohio) High School and was granted the Alumni Scholarship of $125 as the best student and most versatile man in the class.

¶ Prof. William Pickens, formerly of Talladega College, has resigned his position there and accepted into Wiley University at Marshall, Texas. The colored people of Tallageda presented the family with a "Loving Cup" upon their departure.

¶ Mr. Alexander King, a colored man, holds a responsible position as Assistant Superintendent of the Wall Street Post Office Station in New York City. This station handles more mail than any other sub-station. Mr. King has been in the service of the Post Office for twenty-two years and has held his present position since 1907.

¶ James C. Thomas, of New York, was nominated as a delegate at large for the Constitutional Convention at the Progressive Convention at Utica, N. Y.

                   THE COURTS
H. H. BOGER, a colored restaurant owner of New York City, was fined $15 for refusing to serve a white woman who came into the restaurant with her colored husband. Boger testified that he had been warned against serving mixed parties of white and colored people by Police Captain Max Nootbar.

¶ An injunction has been asked in Atlanta, Ga., against the members of the Raban Temple Shriners by the white Temple of the order to prohibit the colored shriners from using the same symbols, terms and regalia as used by the white Shriners.

                    THE GHETTO
IT is reported that the graded colored schools of Atlanta will have only seven grades hereafter.

¶ The white residents of Kansas City, Mo., are protesting against the removal of Western College, an institution for Negroes, from Macon, Mo., to that city. The Improvement Association declares that it will "use any means" to prevent the removal.

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¶ The Negroes of Galveston, Texas, have organized an anti-lynching society.

¶ The Helena (Ark.) Clarion has been carrying on a campaign against the cruelty with which the colored county prisoners are treated. The colored girls imprisoned there are stripped and beaten unmercifully and particularly so when any one escapes.

¶ The park guard of Baxter Square in Louisville, Ky., claims that he has positive orders from the Superintendent of Parks to forbid colored children from bathing in the pool in the park.

THE following colored men have been lynched since the last report: At Monroe, La., Preston Griffin and Charles Hall, charged with murderous attack upon a white man, were taken from the jail and lynched; twenty-four hours before Henry Holmes was lynched for the same crime. Near Monroe, La., an unidentified man, charged with the murder of a white man, was lynched. 

¶ A serious race riot resulting from the attack of a police officer upon an innocent colored man in Wilmington, Del. The officer let the guilty man escape and collared this one. Bystanders attempted to explain but the officer paid no attention and shot the colored man, wounding him seriously. The policeman then, frightened at the angry attitude of the crowd that had gathered, sent in a riot call. 

¶ It was reported that a colored mob had lynched a white man in Clarksville, Tenn., for rape upon a 12-year-old colored child. Later report are that the man was not lynched but killed by the uncle of the outraged child who went with the sheriff to find the man. 

¶ Police Patrolman William Fincher of Mobile, Ala., has been dismissed from the service and is being held without bail for the murder of a colored man.

¶ Jailer E. J. Farris of the Paris (Ky.) jail, killed the leader of a mob which was attempting to break into the jail. The purpose of the mob was to lynch Henry Thomas, a colored man accused of assault and attempted robbery.

[[image with three young girls standing next to each other and putting their hands on the girls' shoulder in front of them, with the caption indicated below]]
