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                MEN OF THE MONTH
MRS CHARLOTTE FORTEN GRIMKE was born in Philadelphia August 17, 1837. Her grandfather was James Forten, who served in the Revolutionary War, and was a prominent business man of Philadelphia. When he died his funeral was attended by thousands of the best citizens, both white and colored. Mrs. Grimke was educated in the Normal School at Salem, Mass., and taught for a while in one of the schools of Salem. She taught also in South Carolina, a little before the close and immediately after the ward, under the auspices of the Freedmen's Aid Society, and wrote some articles on her experience on the islands in the neighborhood of Beaufort, which were published in the Atlantic Monthly. She was a contributor also to the Christian Register, and the Boston Commonwealth, and wrote one article for the New England Magazine. She knew intimately many of the most distinguished people of New England: like Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Sumner, John G. Whittier, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Theodore D. Weld, Lydia Maria Childs, Elizabeth Peabody, Lucy Stone, Lucy Larcom, Louisa Alcott, and many others. Washington was her home for about forty years. For some years she was a clerk in the Treasury Department. She became a member of the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church in 1877, and in December, 1879, was happily married to the Rev. Francis J. Grimke. One daughter was born to them, but died many years ago. Mrs. Grimke had a lovely disposition, was sweet and gentle, and yet she was a woman of great strength of character. She was a woman of great refinement; there was not the slightest trace of coarseness about her in any shape or form. She had a bright sunny disposition. She never grew old in spirit—she was always young, as young as the youngest. She had a fine mind, carefully trained and cultivated by hard study and by contact with the best literature and with cultured people, and the keenest appreciation for all that was best in literature and art. She loved books and pictures and flowers and everything that was beautiful and soul-uplifting. She was always thoughtful, always considerate for others—never allowing the thought of self to intrude or to interfere with the comfort and happiness of others. The plane upon [[sentence continued on next page]]

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which her life, inner and outer, moved was always high. There was nothing little or grovelling in her makeup. She was a loving and devoted wife, and a true friend.

THE Rev. James Gordon, Superintendent of the Howard Orphan Asylum since 1903, died March 3, 1914. Mr. Gordon was born in Warrington, Va., fifty-seven years ago. He began active life as a barber in Harrisburg, Pa. Later he removed to Philadelphia where he married Miss Mary Stevens. He worked at his trade and studied for the ministry at Baptist Temple College. He entered the Baptist ministry in 1893. After ten years' work as pastor in Philadelphia and New York City, he took charge of the Howard Orphan Asylum, April 5, 1903. 

It had been the custom to send the children out to work at twelve or thirteen years of age before they were fully prepared. Mr. Gordon set himself to the task of establishing an industrial school in connection with the orphanage where the children could be trained and sent out to work when about eighteen years old. This he succeeded in doing and in 1906, 168 acres of land were purchased at St. James, L. I., for a farm. 

When this place became too small, a farm at King's Park, L. I., valued at $80,000 was purchased and seven new cottages erected and four old ones remodeled.

At the time of Mr. Gordon's death, 250 children were being cared for. The plant, valued at $83,000 in 1903, is now worth $200,500 with a total acreage of 740.

Mr. Gordon was a strong forceful character who pounded his way through much discouragement and opposition to the accomplishment of a life work of great value.

                 THE LITTLE MOTHER
MRS. LUCY E. CASE, originally of Sutton, Mass., and for forty-five years officially connected with the Atlanta University, passed quietly away at her home in Charlton City, Mass., Monday, July 19. 

Mrs. Case's early years were spent in New England. Her father was a thrifty and successful farmer, living upon the farm first cleared by his ancestors, and which still remains in the possession of descendents of the original settler. As a young girl she attended Leicester Academy from which she was called home at fourteen to the bedside of her dying mother. This experience was