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Tone-Placing and Voice-Development 
    Points explained, viz.: Breath in Singing, Trying the Voice, the Soprano, the Mezzo-Soprano, the Contralto, Tenor Leggiero or High Tenor, the Baritone, the Bass, Parts of the Vocal Apparatus, the Mouth, the Tongue, Position when Practising, Position when Singing, How to Practice, Good Rules for Singing. 
    Comment from the conductor of the Paulist Choristers, the celebrated choral society which received the first prize awarded at the International Singing Contest held in Paris on May 25, 1912:
"Dear Mr. Tinsley:
    "I take great pleasure in commending your very useful and succinctly written book on 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development.' Your own appreciation of psychology of singing and the fundamental principles of the art you have cleverly reduced to a simple system.     Cordially yours,
        "Father WILLIAM J. FINN, C. S. P.,
          Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago."
    From "Musical Courier," N. Y.: "A very practical little book is 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development,' by Pedro T. Tinsley. It contains some very excellent material and vocal exercises, and should be in the hands of all vocal students."
    From "Music News," Chicago, Ill.: "Accordingly his 'Practical Method of Singing' is a most concise and practical little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises. It cannot fail to be helpful to all ambitious vocal students."
  "Since I practised your exercises of 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development' my voice is more resonant than it has been for years. It seems to me that I am getting a new voice." Prof. John T. Layton, Director Coleridge-Taylor Musical Society, 1722 10th St., N. W., Washington, D.C.
        PRICE $1.00
Address the publisher: Pedro T. Tinsley, 6448 Drexel Ave., Chicago, Ill.; or Clayton F. Summy, 64 E. Van Buren St., or Lyon & Healy, Adams and Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Statement of the Ownership, Management, Etc.
Published monthly at 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, requried by the act of August 24, 1912.
Editor, W. E. Burghardt DuBois, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City,
Managing Editor, W. E. Burghardt DuBois, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Business Manager, Augustus Granville Dill, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Publisher, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City.
Owners, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a corporation with no stock.
Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent of more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None.
A. G. Dill, Business Manager.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this thirtieth day of September, 1914.
Notary Public, 
New York Co.

Good Words for The CRISIS
The CRISIS is much in demand in both reading rooms of the University. It grows better each number. I take a number of magazines, but this is about the only one which I read completely through.
Chaplain, Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.

With the renewal of my subscription I take great pleasure in telling you how much I have enjoyed reading your splendid magazine during the past year. "Long live the CRISIS."
Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Enclosed you will find one dollar for the renewal of my subscription. Yes, I have interested a number of my acquaintances with the magazine, and shall continue to do so with the greatest of pleasure. The magazine has been very satisfactory, interesting as well as education, and I congratulate you on the same.
Very truly yours, 
Atlantic City, N. J. 

School of Practical Photography
All branches of photography taught. Terms Reasonable. Service Efficient. Three courses: Amateur, intermediate, proffessional. REGISTER NOW.
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Vol. 9 -No. 2  
Whole No. 50


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This is a mean one
made me mad. White Folks better be on their best behaviour today. I should not have read this early in the morning. Had to stop

compositions upon all suitable occasions."
On the evening of Noember 1 at Symphony Hall, Boston, Mass., the Municipal Band of Havana Cuba, Guillermo M. Thomas, director, gave a farewell appearance. The band was brought to Boston in October, to fill a month's engagement of daily concerts at the Boston Domestic Science and Pure Food Exposition and has given much pleasure to the many visitors at the fair. At least twenty-five of the seventy musicians are colored. The band is now in New York. 
Mr. J. Shelton Pollen, pianist of Boston, Mass., was heard in a diversified program at a piano recital given at Union Baptist Church on October 15 at Baltimore, Md., for the benefit of the National Association

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recent state fair. A number of colored women were invited to take part on the musical program of one of the afternoons. They were heartily applauded.
The Renaissance Players of Philadelphia have opened the season with a number of one-act plays on racial subjects.
Mr. R. N. Dett, director of music at Hampton Institute, has just given a concert in the Hampton gymnasium before an audience of two thousand people. Mme Anita Patti Brown sang and Joseph Douglass played.
Lois Depp, of Springfield, Ohio, is a baritone at the age of seventeen; he has a range of twenty-six notes and a voice of great volume. He is a pupil of Bernard

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