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Founded in 1867
Normal, College Preparatory, Music and Manual Training Courses offered. Co-educational. High scholastic ideals. Situated in historic John Brown Land. Magnificent location. Fine library, twelve buildings, good equipment, thoroughly trained faculty, modern laboratories, expenses small. A place for the earnest, poor you man or woman. No drones wanted.
Write to Pres. HENRY T. McDONALD,
Harpers Ferry, W. VA.

Tenth Session begins September 16, 1914
COURSES: Literary; Trades; Agriculture and Practical Farming; Domestic Science; Art, etc. For information write WM. A. CREDITT, Pres., 628 South 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. B. C. BURNETT, Sec'y. Industrial School, Downingtown, Pa.

which has for its object the training of the head, hand, and heart of our youth thus fitting them for the practical requirements of every day life.
Fall Term and Sixteenth Year Opens Tuesday, Oct.6, 1914
Day and Night Sessions
Four Departments - Domestic Art, Domestic Science, Industrial Arts, Academic and Musical. Experienced and competent teachers in charge. Comfortable dormitory facilities for both girls and boys on the premises. Nonresident students are required to board in the dormitories. A well equipped gymnasium for students. An improved Literary Course for Day Students. Age, sex or previous training no bar to entrance if the applicant has a good character. Printing, Plumbing, Upholstery and Woodworking, special trades for boys. Helpfulness our Object. Efficiency our Aim. Write Now.
MATTHEW ANDERSON, Principal, South College Ave., Philadelphia

Points explained, viz.: Breath in Singing, Trying the Voice, the Soprano, the Mezzo-Soprano, the Cotralto, Tenor Leggiero or High Tenor, the Baritone, the Bass, Parts of the Vocal Apparatus, the Mouth, the Tongue, Position when Practising, Position when Singing, How to Practice, Good Rules for Singing.
Comment from the world-renowned conductor of the Paulist Choir of Chicago, Ill., whose choir has just received the first prize awarded at the Singing Contest held in Paris, on May 25, 1912:
"Dear Mr. Tinsley:
"I take great pleasure in commending your very useful and succinctly written book on 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development.' Your own appreciation of the psychology of singing and the fundamental principles of the art you have cleverly reduced to a simple system.
Cordially yours,
"Father WILLIAM J. FINN, C. S. P.,
Director Paulist Choristers of Chicago."
From "Musical Courier," N. Y.: "A very practical little book is 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development' by Pedro T. Tinsley. It contains some very excellent material and vocal exercises, and should be in the hands of all vocal students."
From "Music News," Chicago, Ill.: "Accordingly his 'Practical Method of Singing' is a most concise and practical little manual, containing many valuable vocal exercises. It cannot fail to be helpful to all ambitious vocal students."
"Since I practised your exercises of 'Tone-Placing and Voice-Development' my voice is more resonant than it has been for years. It seems to me that I am getting a new voice." Prof. John T. Layton, Director Coleridge-Taylor Musical Society, 1722 10th St., N. W., Washington D. C.
PRICE $1.00
Address the publisher: Pedro T. Tinsley, 6448 Drexel Ave., Chicago, Ill.; or Clayton F. Summy, 64 E. Van Buren St., or Lyon & Healy, Adams and Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Others Receive $15 to $65 Weekly!
Why Not You?
Write immediately for full particulars, sample, picture, literature, etc. Experience unnecessary.
Enclose 10 cents to cover cost.
P.O. Box 2. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

[[Image]] (Trade Mark)
Our agents are making $10.00 per day and more, selling our new Negro picture, "A Joyful Welcome Into Heaven," the finest picture ever produced with the Negro as a subject. Pleasant agreeable work. Sells at sight! Write today for particulars, or send 15 cents stamps or coin for 50 cent sample and agent's terms. Money back if not satisfied at first glance!
The Douglas Specialties Co.
Department K
3548 Vernon Avenue, :: Chicago, ILL.

Mention The Crisis

Vol. 8-No. 5 SEPTEMBER, 1914


FRANCIS L. HOOPER, a sixteen-year-old colored boy of Plainfield, N.J., has invented an invalid's bed and secured a patent on it.
The First Regimental Band, Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias of Nebraska, gave a band concert at Riverview Park in Omaha on July 5 in the presence of ten thousand people. This is the first time that a colored band has given a concert in one of the city parks. 
Colored doctors of California have organized a state medical association with headquarters in Los Angeles. The project of building a hospital is being discussed.
It is estimated that only about forty per cent. of the colored girls in New York City in need of institutional care are provided for. A committee of workers is trying to raise money for the Sojourner Truth House in order to care for those not provided for.
The seventy-seventh annual report of the Colored Orphan Asylum at Riverdale-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., states that there are 235 children now in the institution and that 139 children have been released during the year; three have died. The year's expenses were $74,027.55 with a deficit of $14,406.72 carried over.
From all reports, the Negro colony of Blackdom, N. M., is thriving. The colony, which was founded by Francis Boyer twelve years ago, and is now managed by James H. Coleman, is established upon government lands which are practically free. There is a daily mail service, a church, a school, a pumping plant and a general store.
The most complete and modern field house in Kansas City, Mo., is the Garrison Field House and Playground for Negroes. In this steam-heated building there are forty-one shower baths, auditoriums for dancing and indoor sports, and surrounding it are the play grounds completely fitted up for outdoor sports of many kinds. The operation of the building and grounds is entirely in the hands of colored workers under the Supervisor of all municipal play grounds.
On the Fourth of July St. David's Fresh Air and Convalescent Home opened for the summer season at Silver Lake Park, White Plains, N. Y. Last summer the Negro Fresh Air Committee sent 118 people to the camp for whom they paid $350.00. The New York Association for the Blind sends some of their inmates out each summer and pays for the board of these. Many wealthy and influential men and women are advisers and donors to the Home.
The National League on Urban Conditions in New York City offered a prize for the best examination in elementary economics and sociology and the best review of Devine's "Misery and It's Causes." Miss Madree Penn of Howard University received the first prize of $50 and Maynard H. Jones of Morehouse College was awarded the second prize of $25. Virginia Union University was the other school to compete. 
A twelve-year-old colored girl waved a train down because she saw "something

Transcription Notes:
Word practised is mis-spelled in the document.