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funny" on the track. The heat had caused a "sun kink" on the rail and the child's action probably averted a serious wreck. 
The Indianapolis Y.M.C.A. which went into its new building in July, 1913, has had a successful year. There are eight hundred members in the men's department and 175 in the boys' department. The educational and physical departments have been largely attended. 
Many colored women of Boston are engaged in successful businesses. They have grocery stores, dressmaking and tailoring establishments, boarding houses, etc. 
The Baltimore Colored Man [italicized] recently published a special Negro Press Association number of sixteen pages. 
The colored people of Fall River, Mass., participated in the Fourth of July parade with the float pictured here. The News [italicized], a local white paper, said: "The mottoes on the colored men's floats reminded the thousands who read them that from 'King Street, Boston,' up to the present time the Negro has been an heroic sharer in our national life." The Colored Men's Association marched in front of the float. 
A colored porter was killed on the Illinois Central railroad at New Orleans by bandits, while defending the passengers. 
The publishing house of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church will be moved from Jackson, Tenn., to Birmingham, Ala.
Arnold Trottman, a colored man who holds a medal for life saving from the Royal Humane Society of London, rescued a Scandinavian from drowning in the Delaware river. 
The colored ferryman saved the lives of three white persons whose automobile ran off of Lamb's Ferry barge in Elizabeth City, N.C.
The town of Okmulgee, Okla., with a colored population of 4,000 in the whole population of 10,000 has sixteen colored professional men and more than thirty-one business enterprises. Most of the colored people own their homes and rent much property to the white people. 


The National Baptist Theological Seminary will be located in Memphis, Tenn. 
The colored men's branch of the Y.M.C.A. held an interesting summer school, July 8-22, at Arundel-on-the-Bay, Md., including instruction in the various branches of the Y.M.C.A. work.
Blyden, Yates, a colored boy, received the Bachelor's degree from the University of Kansas at the age of eighteen years. 
An authoritative statement sent out from Tuskegee says:
"Some months ago, Mr. Julius Rosenwald provided sufficient money with which to erect six rural school houses in the South on condition that the people raised as much money as he gave and even more if possible. The experiment proved so successful that Mr. Rosenwald was pleased and has arranged for a still larger number of rural school houses to be built on the same plan. 
"The plans have not as yet been made as to the exact location of the school houses nor as to the number of school houses that will be attempted to be built each year. These details are being worked out now, but Mr. Rosenwald has given those in charge of the matter of building school houses wide authority to exercise their judgment as to the number and location of school houses. As soon as a definite and comprehensive plan has been worked out, it will be placed before Mr. Rosenwald with the view of giving it to the public later on. 
"In working out this scheme especial care will be used to see that in trying to help the various rural communities, the public school authorities are not relived of doing their special duty of supporting the public school; in fact, the plan is to so use the money given by Mr. Rosenwald as to induce the public school authorities to give more largely for school house erection and extension of school terms."
Joseph Welsh, on of the four colored students in the graduating class of one hundred and twenty from the Montclair (N.J.) High School, received a scholarship of $120. Mr. Welsh is a married man and supports a family. 
John F. Williams, a colored student of the New Haven (Conn.) High School has made a brilliant record in debating. He was the only colored boy in a class of 470 students and has been appointed President of the triple debating union of the Meriden, Middletown and New Haven High Schools. He has passed the examinations at Yale and will enter the Sheffield Scientific School in the fall. 
Miss Sarah M. Jones, a colored teacher of Sacramento, Cal., has resigned after thirty-five years of service. Miss Jones has been principal in one of the large public schools, with colored and white pupils, for twenty years. 
Successful summer schools have been held at Tuskegee, the State School at Orangeburg, S.C., the Nashville Normal, Wilberforce and elsewhere. The school at Wilberforce was unusually enjoyable and instructive. James Vernon Herring, the art instructor, held a very interesting exhibit of his landscapes; F.J. Work and his chorus gave selections from the Elijah, and Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois lectured on Industry, Money and Socialism. Dean L.B. Moore of Howard was director.


At the annual Musical Festival of the Litchfield County Choral Union, which was given early in June at Norfolk, Conn., a new orchestral rhapsody by the late S. Coleridge-Taylor had its initial hearing, besides Jean Sibelius' new "Rondo of the Waves." The later was conducted by Finland's great composer, who came to conduct his work at the festival. 
At the thirteenth Spring Festical of the Keene Chorus Club of Keene, N.H., Coleridge-Taylor's "Tale of Old Japan" was the choral work for the opening performance. 
Miss Kitty Cheatham, the American diseuse of southern birth, who again appeared before American audiences this year, with the New York Philharmonic Society and the Philadelphia Orchestra, and before a number of the greater universities, tells in Musical America [italicized] of her recent southern tour and particularly of her visit to Fisk University. Miss Cheatham spoke to the students on the value of the Negro spirituals, sand "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," and recited poems by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Of the singing by the Fisk students she says: "No one who has not heard it can ever imagine the effect. It came from their hearts and was a rare moment. I have never heard anything like it and shall always remember it as an exceptional experience."
While in Nashville, Miss Cheatham was visited by the late Mrs. Ella Shepperd Moore, the pianist of the original Fisk Jubilee Singers. 
Mr. Roland Hayes, tenor, was heard at a musical given by the Green Acre Conference on July 29. Other artists of color who appeared on the program were Miss C. Adelphi Boger, contralto; Mr. Clarence C. White, violinist, assisted Mr. Charles W. Harris, accompanist.
A late publication is Andrew Wilkindon's "Plantation Stories of Old Louisiana." The purpose of the work, it is claimed, is to assist in preserving the Negro Folk Lore of America.