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for Washington, isn't it? Here is a picture of a baby and a big bow-wow Maude just handed me that may interest her. Ralph has been in the midst of exams for a week and wrote he might come home Friday to stay until Monday, but wasn't sure about it. It won't be long now before they will be through school which will be quite a relief to the old pocket book which has had pretty hard use for quite a long time. I was talking with a party about the house the other day and hope ^we can find a customer for it this spring but there are a good many places the Banks have had to take the past year in excellent locations that people can buy without paying much down.
But when the weather begins to be at all favorable I will try and make a business of selling it. The wind is N.E. and I guess the storm is here - it is starting like a real one. Love to all and glad to get your letter always.
Ralph -