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Telephone LIBerty 5403-5404
Massachusetts Mutual Liability Insurance Company
33 Broad Street
Boston, Mass.
Messrs. Britton & Blake
9 Freeman Street, Stoughton, Mass.

Tues. Dec 17/29.
Dear Sidney,
Rec'd your letter this P.M. and very glad to hear from you. I thot of writing Sunday too but there didn't seem to be much to say and our letters would have crossed so I waited until today. We have a Chamber of Commerce meeting tonight and have been having a nasty cold rain this afternoon so that we may not have as good a crowd as if the weather were better. Last meeting we had 68 at the supper. Later 10 P.M. Had a very interesting meeting at the Chamber. A talk by Mr O'Brien Supt of Aviation for Massachusetts. I mailed a package to you this P.M. - something for Dot for Christmas and the Photo album for you and Doris I believe Maude gave you when you were here. Have you