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Dear Sydney-
It is Sunday night and I will write you a few lines. It has not been a very good day - started with a mist this morning and then worked into a rain this afternoon. Ralph came down with a college friend who has one of the new Ford touring cars yesterday and they started back about 3 this afternoon. 

I took Ma over to the house (Walnut St) this noon and put a couple of "To Let" signs in the up stairs windows. She had quite a chat with Evelyn in the car and Mr Curtis and Helen were coming home from church and stopped to talk with her. Then I brought Ma over and she had dinner with us. Soon after the boys went Maude and I went to the beach to see about renting the cottage and I am in hopes that we will get word tomorrow that the party that had it two weeks last year will take it for July + August. Ralph is going to California over the road with the fellow that was here with him today. They start about the 18th of June, and I think now that Maude + Henry + I may go out too. Mary has asked us to come and the Directors have said that I could go, so if every thing goes all right, we may go about the middle of June and Mary thinks she will come back with us.

Aletta is home now and we saw her today and she and Winnie said they would be glad to have Ma come down there with them to Cottage City. I haven't said anything to Ma about it yet nor about our going to California but she was quite anxious to go last summer and if she wants to go this summer, she would probably be much more contented and have more to do and think about than shut up at Mrs. Cameron's. This is True Economy - using this paper - and as good a stunt as the way you use up your papers you send Ma. These are old forms and no good for use today. I have had the lettering done on the stone in the cemetery and took Ma up but it was raining so she didn't get out and couldn't see it very well. Hope you are all well - don't give Dot any boiled dinners yet - Ma was boasting to Evelyn that she had sausage for breakfast and Evelyn told her she ought not to eat that. Write when you can. Love to all from Ralph.
May 19, 1929.