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Telephone LIBerty 5403-5404

Massachusetts Mutual Liability Insurance Company
33 Broad Street
Boston, Mass.

9 Freeman Street, Stoughton, Mass.
[13 Nov. 1928]

Dear Sidney-

Have been up to see Ma tonight and she seems more contented and satisfied to stay at Mrs. Camerons. Mrs. Cameron said she would charge $15 a week instead of 20 while Ma was as well as she is now but that it would be more if she was sick. That seems more reasonable as Ma is really very little care to her now although it keeps her at home all the time and she doesn't go out nursing. Jimmie paid me $4 for garage for Nov. and Albert went in last Saturday and paid a month's rent in advance. Ma asked me for 5 or 10 dollars tonight and all I could scrape up was 40 cents. I asked her if there was anything she wanted to get and she said, "No, not just now." I haven't been in the house since Evelyn got settled but it ought to look pretty good now with the furniture in it. It certainly is a big improvement since the painting papering and floors were covered and Evelyn was going to put in her combination coal and gas range so that we got out of putting in a new stove.