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care about that and I told him he could have it with the understanding that it didn't include garage. Mrs. McClements has 8 dollars due her and is to keep her car in barn during November and December. I saw Jimmie yesterday afternoon and told him it would be $4 a month to keep his car in the barn from Nov 1st and he said he was going to ask me about it, so that is settled.
Well, this afternoon Ma called up and wanted to go over to the house and I took her over and she said she was either coming over to my house to live or

Dear Sidney, - Sunday night - [5 Nov. 1928]
    Was glad to get your letter and will write a few lines to let you know how things are going. Dykeman is all through and has sent in his bill - I had to get after him on one or two things but it is quite a big improvement. The floor covering (Bird's Neponset) looks fine - I had it put down in the kitchen, back hall, side hall, pantry, china closet, and even under the kitchen sink as I thought the small amount it would take extra would more than be worth it in the appearance and chance to let it. Albert Giles came in two weeks ago to see me but I wasn't in and I didn't hear any more from