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Hart Darlington,

Head Office
75 Maiden Lane, New York.

Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society, Ltd.


Feb. 9th 1928.

Dear Sidney,-
Yesterday morning I had just reached the office when Maude called me up and said Pa was sick and Ma wanted me to come right up. I went up and we got Dr. Golden and he said Pa had probably had a shock. So I got the bed down from the spare room up stairs and got Mrs McClements to come up and he has been in bed since. His face seems twisted just a little and he talks a little thick but can understand all you say to him and knows all that is going on. He is taking liquid foods and seems comfortable and can move around in bed alone. Said this morning he wanted to go out to the dining room table but the doctor said he must keep quiet. Ma was all worked up at first but seems to have quieted down a good deal now. I hope she doesn't