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very much.
 I have written quite a long letter. Ralph Jr just telephoned me from Hanover and his voice sounded so good to me about coming down Thursday. Henry has gone up to Tommie Hays to stay all night and study History and Ralph and your father are at Co Operative Bank Meeting. Tell Sidney that I had to write about thirty thank you cards for the wedding gifts etc. I am so glad you are doing so well. Those things often freshen us. I think. and make us feel better after the worst is over. But this unfortunate [[?][this?]] time, it probably would not happen again. Lots of love to you both from us all. Henry felt real badly and when I told him he kept saying No. Mother no. He could not have it so. Maude

light. I went down to the Edison Store to see what they had and there it was right in the window waiting for me as it were. So we told them they could see the ocean all the while now when ever they wished They were delighted of course. I do not think they even had light enough on the sitting room table. Now it is real good.
Ralph wrote that he had passed all his exams and was very happy about it Henry went up to [[Carnival?]] and came back last night. He said he had a wonderful time.
Ralph is coming down to the Prom this weekend. Henry will soon be graduating and then he will want to go too up to college.