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only inner spring mattress, Alice uprooted, went to the front chamber! And as for applicants, we haven't had as many as before. The ad was in for 3 days - Wed. Thurs. Fri. and 6 came Wed. night, about as many yesterday, and only 1 so far today. They are all old ladies, lovely widders, except 1 old maid, and my mother declared she didn't want her. None impresses me much yet, but I suppose we shall have to try someone. My mother was quite stuck on a young girl whom Dr. Ewing has had all winter, just keeping her. She is reported "queer" and yet he said she was a slave for work. Someone else reported her "man crazy". She has been at Foxboro for observation as a result of a family row according to Ewing, but not crazy, simply subnormal, and Ewing characteristically said most of us were that. Anyhow my mother's mind is almost dissuaded from her. I feel that somehow someone sometime may turn up that my mother will take to.  3.30 pm a deaf woman seems the most likely candidate this afternoon! I am so disturbed by so many happening about me that I can't get a chance to write. The baby has discovered a mother cat with stripes & seven front claws strongly resembling ours & doubtless the mother of him. She has brought a tiny kitten, hardly able to stand up, and another old mother cat (both with 7 claws) over and is nursing them with scraps of fish - dishes of milk, - the tiny kitten has been given her for keeps! I'll let her have it while here &  take it back across the street when she leave. She is wild! Lena has been