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I am trying to get the family supplied with green stuff, and lug home tomatoes & lettuce and other vegetables every day.  Ma hasn't been eating very well of late, but seems to pick up at the tomato diet.  I got some beets which she promptly pickled, thereby making them as indigestible as she could!
I am glad you had a good day in Chicago & trust you may see something of the Fair on the way back, but 3 hrs. doesn't seem very long.
The baby isn't quite as querulous today, the bites being better. I dragged the mattress down from the front chamber & slept on the porch last night.  It was airy and fine but the bed rotten hard.  Tonight I am going to lug down the feather bed to put on top & make it a bit softer. I wish there were a decent place to sleep in the house.
I will let the baby finish this.  Doris.
June 22,
Dear Daddy:
I have been making ant paths and taking away the grass to make the paths.